Star Readings: April Simpson.

St. Louis' Angel. Fox 2/ KPRL news anchor April Simpson is a woman on a mission of love, hope, information and inspiration. When she's not spilling the tea to millions of St. Louisians; everyday on the news. She herself is a walking testament that with the powers of love, family and faith. That anything is indeed possible. What do I pick up for April Simpson? This year is a year of both inner and outer transformation for Ms. Simpson. She's now focusing on herself more and letting go of people and things that no longer serve her. I also see that she's making way for love and family to come into her life. I pick up a lot of writing and making 2 films as well. There's a series of books in her that needs to get out and in the later part of the year she may start doing speaking engagements. She needs to stop worrying so much about those around her but she can't help it as people look to her strength. Healing, angels, prayer and mediation are big parts of...