Star Readings: Taraji P. Henson.

Bold Soul Sista!  Actress Taraji P. Henson is everyone's sister-friend. Real and royal. Ms. Henson knows who she is and takes pride in what she does. With her bright and bubbling personality she makes sure you not only know her but you remember her. Trust me, Taraji we do.

What do I pick up for Taraji P. Henson?

Writing lots of writing. Plays, movie scripts. She'll be producing a few projects as well. She's got two in the works now. She loves her son with all of her heart. She sometimes worries about not spending enough time with him. She needs to sleep more and worry less. She lives in her head a lot. The role of cookie is personal to her as she knows women like her and she's paying  tribute to those women. She wants to work with kids and do more charity work. She loves children and they love her. Over the past two years she's become more spiritually and emotionally aware. Meditation would be good for her. There's are two people who have passed away that she thinks about constantly. There may be a baby boy 2 but right now it's in talks but nothing is solid. She also needs to focus more on cardio and less on weight training and yoga when it comes to her weight. She sometimes worries about getting too muscular. When it comes to her love life it's work first, love later. Not that she doesn't want it she does, but he has to have himself together. She's tired of doing all the work in her relationships. She's looking but not looking. She's going to meet someone in the summer (June) and it'll grow from friendship.


Numerology Profile: Taraji P. Henson.

Taraji Penda Henson: Born September 11th 1970.  A triple threat who kicks ass and takes names! From her breakout performance in Baby Boy to her riveting portrayal of Cookie on the hit fox series Empire. Ms. Henson is here to stay and ready to play. Let's take a deeper look at Ms. Henson and see what the numbers have to say! Let's first take a look at Taraji's purpose number. As we know your purpose number tells you what you were meant to do. In Taraji's case; her purpose number is 3.

The number 3 is associated with many people in the entertainment industry. Taraji is in good company as she shares the same purpose number as Tamar Braxton, Bill Cosby and Diana Ross. People who have the number 3 as their purpose number make the best entertainers. The reason for this is because people who have the  number 3 as their have a need for self-expression. That's why whenever we watch Taraji on the screen we can tell that the role that she is playing isn't just acting for her. For her, this is an outlet for her emotions.

Number 3 people are also known for always speaking their mind and Ms. Henson is known for not biting her tongue. We all know about the heated exchange between her and hip-hop artist 50 cent. She spared him no expense and after she expressed herself. She moved on. Number 3 people are blessed with talent and are very versatile. Many would be shocked to know that Taraji is also a singer. Now on the flip, Ms. Henson does have her bad side. Number 3 people can at times be careless when it comes to not having a verbal filter. However, even when they do tend to stick their foot in their mouths, people who carry the number 3 as their purpose number usually don't mean any harm;it's just that they want to get their point across clearly. It's also because many number 3's tend to be perfectionist and will not stop until everything is done right.  When it comes to her birth number. Which is the number 1. Taraji gives us something that some celebrities miss: Relatability. To many she's like the girl that's apart of our family or the woman we'd be best friends with. Number 1's tend to have a very bright and energetic personality.

They're also everyone's big sister or brother. Number 1's tend to be a bit bossy but they mean well. Taraji is the kind of person that if you wrong her or someone close to her. She'll not only let you know but she'll never forget it either. Number 1's love their family and friends with an intense passion and believes in begin a loyal friend. When it comes to her craft Taraji takes it very seriously. She feels that if there is no passion in her work it's not worth doing. She also looks at her acting like a business. Not in the sense of facts in figures but in the sense that she's here to do a job and she's going to do a damn good job. Make no mistake that Ms. Taraji P. Henson has officially arrived bigger, stronger and badder than ever!

Love, Leo Brown :)

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What is your favorite role that Taraji has played?
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