Star Readings: Romany Malco.
The every man's actor. For those of us that fondly remember anything that was the 90's. Then you know that actor Romany Malco has always been out of the box and unconventional. From his days in the hip-hop group college boyz to his breakout roles in the 40 year-old virgin and the think like a man movies. Romany Malco's star will always shine.
What lies ahead for Romany Malco?
I pick up that there will be lots more traveling for Romany within the next six months. I also see him doing a lot of writing and maybe some directing. An independent film. Community outreach work will be coming along in the next three months. He especially wants to give back more to his home town and to the lives of young black men or men of color in general. Meditation, green smoothies and hot yoga are important parts of his life. He should lay off the herbs though. Drink more fresh juice and water as well. He wants more children but he's a perfectionist. As he has 2 kids already. He wants the timing to be right. I pick up three more films in the works along with some television work and an online series. I also pick up him becoming more aware of his ancestry and becoming more spiritually aware as well. His psychic senses are opening up a lot and there's a big connection to him and his grandmother. His production company is about to hit a milestone. I pick up a lot of movies and television begin brought to us by his company. In the next three years. Things are in talks now. I see a lot of contacts around him. He wants to make sure that he makes the right decisions. Don't worry Romany, you will.
What does the numbers tell us about the every man's actor?
Numerology Profile: Romany Malco.
Romany Romanic Malco Jr. pronounced (Ra-money) Born November 18th 1968. Believes that things don't happen to you;you make them happen. The reason that Romany holds this belief is for many reasons but for now let's look at one of them. Mainly his birth number. Romany's birth number is the ever-changing number 8. Number 8 people are those that believe that everything works out and happens for a reason. They're big believers of Karma and Justice for all things and people. Number 8 people are also very politically aware and Mr. Malco is leading the pack. Romany is a very straight forward tell it as he sees it kind of man. When you're in his company be prepared to think and to walk away learning something new. Number 8 people are known for begin very militant in their thinking and make sure their opinions get across. Romany is a very laid back and easy going man but as with everyone there is a dark side. To some. Romany can at times be a total control freak and he is; especially when it comes to himself. He is his biggest competition and critic only because he sees the big picture before everyone else does. Number 8 people also have issues with authority. Romany does but only when there is a great injustice behind it. Romany's birth number is associated with the planet Saturn which is a planet of life, death and rebirth. Romany Malco is a man who is forever changing both inside and out.
Writing, acting and singing are apart of Romany's destiny it's what he was meant to do. Romany has the purpose number of 2. He shares the same purpose number as Diana Ross, Ray Nagin and comic Deon Cole. People with the purpose number of 2 are for begin very psychic and love anything to do with the ocean. In Romany's case; he's the type of person where he can look at you and tell if you're full of it or not. He's very real and very intuitive. Number 2 people are also musically inclined. So it's no mistake that Romany can sing and dance. If you remember Too Legit:The Mc Hammer Story then you know I'm not lying. Either you look at it Romany Malco isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Love, Leo Brown :)
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