Star Readings: Lil' Kim.

What do I pick up for Lil' Kim?

There are 2 more mix tapes in the works. She's making a slow return to the industry, It's going to be very unexpected when she makes her full return. Be prepared for a bang when she comes back! As a mother she's very nurturing and a bit overprotective of Royal. Not in a smothering way but because she wants to maintain a sense of normalcy for her child. She's also realizing the importance of family. I  see her around her mother a lot more and wanting more of a community around her. Kim firmly believes in that saying it takes a village. She's getting her money not together but right. There is a lot legal work begin done behind the scenes in regards to recording contracts and taxes. Her full new album will be out by this year's end or mid 2016.  She is dating someone but they are not a performer like her, they work behind the scenes directing, producing, writing. She's also going to keep this man a secret she's learned her lesson over the years. I pick up her making amends with her past a lot this year and letting go of deep seated pain. Will she  Foxy and Nicki bury the hatchet? Nope. However, her attitude is now you go your way and I'll go mine. In other words , keep it moving. Kimberly Denise Jones is maturing. Also look out for a line of shoes, purses and makeup to come into our homes in 2016/2017.


Numerology Profile: Lil' Kim.

She likes it raw!  Kimberly Denise Jones a.k.a Lil' Kim is a woman who is driven by her emotions. Begin a cancer (July 11th) and having a purpose number of 7 has a lot to do with it.  The number 7 is a number of completion in many religious circles and is associated with watery planet Neptune. People who have the purpose number of 7 are born with an innate sense of higher consciousness. When Kim steps to the mic; she's not just talking about her life, she's speaking to the people and delivering their message. That's why to many she's  considered the queen of rap. People born with the number 7 as their purpose number make the best artists, sculptors and real estate agents.  People often wonder why whenever we see Kim she looks different. The answer to that is simple; Since she possesses the number 7 as her purpose number.

She feels that it is her duty to always keep em' guessin'. If it takes some new hair, a new style dress or a complete makeover so be it. As she's been quoted as saying. “This is who I am.”  One of the reasons the public has been rooting and at times jeering for Lil' Kim since her 1996 debut Hardcore is because her rhymes haven't been just rhymes. Her lyrics take you through an emotional roller coaster. One minute you want to fuck; the next you want to cry; the next you want to want to party.  Like her Cancer sun sign her lyrics bring out your hidden emotions and are reflective with tight beats and music serving as a backdrop.  Contrary to her raunchy style, Kim is very spiritual and very intuitive. She can be so right on about a person, place or thing that it at times scares her. (Cancers are known as the psychics of the zodiac).  Like everything and everyone Kim does have her dark moments. Number 7 people are prone to begin very moody and at times look at life from a pessimistic point of view. Especially when things don't go their way. Kim can be moody but deep down she won't hurt a fly unless provoked.

When it comes to her birth number. Which is the number 3; or as I call it the entertainers number. Kim has to express herself. For her, music will always be in her life as it is apart of her. She's a stickler for details and when things aren't communicated in the right way be prepared for the claws to come out!  In regards to Kim's relationships/love life she goes with her guts. Their has to a deep connection made with her or you won't get anywhere; while at the same time you have to give her freedom and space. The number 3 is associated with the planet Jupiter. Which rules money, luck and communication. To the public it may look like Kim is at times childish and superficial. However, she now tries to be very careful with not only her money, but with who she allows in her circle. With Kim it's loyalty over quantity. Either way you slice it Kimberly Jones is a woman on a mission and it is to live life her way, her rules.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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