Star Readings: April Simpson.

St. Louis' Angel. Fox 2/ KPRL news anchor April Simpson is a woman on a mission of love, hope, information and inspiration. When she's not spilling the tea to millions of St. Louisians; everyday on the news. She herself is a walking testament that with the powers of love, family and faith. That anything is indeed possible.

What do I pick up for April Simpson? 

This year is a year of both inner and outer transformation for Ms. Simpson. She's now focusing on herself more and letting go of people and things that no longer serve her. I also see that she's making way for love and family to come into her life. I pick up a lot of writing and making 2 films as well.  There's a series of books in her that needs to get out and in the later part of the year she may start doing speaking engagements. She needs to stop worrying so much about those around her but she can't help it as people look to her strength. Healing, angels, prayer and mediation are big parts of her life. She sees her family as her angels in many ways. Especially her mother. She's very psychic herself but she needs to write down her dreams more often and concentrate on getting more restful sleep. There may be a possible relocation in the works as well but not for another 3 to 5 years.  Her health is very important to her not just physical but emotional health. Eat more dark greens and take the time out to laugh as much as possible. There are times that she doubts herself but, I am here to tell you that you're journey is not in vain. You are a powerful, special begin and you may dear angel have earned your wings. So keep flying as high as you can.


Numerology Profile: April Simpson.

April Simpson's purpose was to inform. Ms. Simpson's goal whether she is on or off the air is to tell the truth in an informing and positive way. Her purpose number is the number of health, wealth and rebirth the number 8. She feels that if the truth isn't told and the facts aren't there. Then her job is not done. People who have the number 8 as their purpose number believe that the truth shall indeed set you free. April is definitely one of those people. Number 8 people make the best lawyers, business people and judges. People who have the number 8  as their purpose number also tend to be workaholics and believe that hard work doesn't hurt anyone. The number 8 is associated with the planet Saturn. The planet saturn deals with health, transition and money. With Ms. Simpson everything has to balance out. That's because the planet saturn also works with the element of Earth; So in April's case things not only have to be truthful but stable in her life. Number 8 often have to deal with issues when it pertains to their health. As the this number deals with death; no, not death in the physical sense but death in both the external and internal sense. Out with the old and in with the new. April's case she has done that even though it has been very painful at times. She has a gained a better sense of who she is as a woman.

Now when it comes to her birth number. The number that fits her is the intuitive number 2.  Many psychics, empaths and people who are musically inclined often have this number as their birth number. When it comes to April; her having this number tells me that she goes with and listens to her gut. Maybe not as often as she should but when she does it pays off. Number 2 people are also inclined to live by water. So it's no secret that Ms. Simpson has lived in Louisiana, Arkansas and now St. Louis as they are all surrounded by bodies of water. The element of water grounds number 2 people and keeps them in touch with their inner selves. We all know on camera persona of April Simpson but off camera she's very soft spoken and actually kind of shy. She reports the news and drama; she doesn't want it or need it in her own life. The number 2 is associated with the moon and as we know, the moon is ever-changing. April is like this in a lot of ways. She can go from glamour queen to jeans and t-shirt in a matter of minutes. Number 2 people are also known for begin moody or indecisive when it comes to making important decisions. They also tend to fear making mistakes and going into the unknown.  Don't worry about going to into unknown April. Because no matter where life takes you, you're going to be just fine.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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