Star Readings: Joe Rogan.

The truth is out there, only if we choose to see it. Oh, and fuck you. If there were a motto for comic Joe Rogan's life. I'd like to think this would be it. Joe has been kicking ass and taking names since his days on the hit sitcom Newsradio. However, now he has found his own niche and made a lane for himself that, wether we like it or not. You cannot take it away from him. Today's star reading we'll get to know the man behind the mic.

Joe on Joe

Give him a good cut of meat, something interesting to talk about and he's happy. Joe is a seeker. Meaning he'll look at something and he'll analyze the hell out of it just cause. His attitude is if you don't question things what is the point of living. He also is very simple. Don't get me wrong he loves what he does but there are times where he wants to just pack his shit and move to the wilderness. The hollywood life while it does have it's perks, does not impress him. Keep it real, keep it simple or get out .

Joe's Career

Touring and Commentary. That's what I pick up for him. The next six months I see some international shows and I see him taking a leadership role with the UFC and his commentary. I also pick up that right now, Joe wants to live to work not work to live. Meaning that he wants more balance in his life. I also pick his podcast going to the next level. A lot more conversational and conversational topics and guests will be coming through. The next two years will be busy Joe, but it will be a busy that you can handle. I also see him doing a few movies but in truth, he enjoys making an appearance in movies but nothing full time as acting and the “game” that comes with it. Isn't his thing.

Joe and Family

Family isn't just blood. Joe has family from all over. Some related some not. I pick up there are 5-6 comics that he considers family and he will do anything for them. He loves his children and his wife more than we could ever understand, which is why he doesn't really talk about them. He loves them enough to respect their privacy. I pick up a great deal of growth regarding this part of his life in the coming 6 months. Joe, take time with your family, make more time for them. Especially, your daughter. She just wants her daddy. I don't get much with the wife that is pressing. What I do pick up is that you're more like friends than a couple. Which is a good thing. It's a strong, solid foundation and I pick up a great deal of intimacy with you guys, especially going into the spring.

Joe and Spirituality

Interconnection. That's what I pick up from him. Well, that and all religions are mostly bullshit anyway. To think from a just a spiritual perspective for Joe is so small. Why not look deeper and see things from more than one angle. In other words, question everything. He knows that there's something out there. However, does it have to have a name or a face? Nope! What I get around Joe is a love of nature. The quiet. Peacefulness mixed with a little chaos. You're on the right track Joe, which is your own track. Keep doing what you're doing. There's a reason you're making people laugh and think.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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