Star Readings: Diana Ross.

The diva of all divas has returned! November 23rd saw the re-emergence of legendary singer/actress Diana Ross. As she took the stage at the 42nd annual american music awards. Ms. Ross has always had staying power and even at the age of 70 (I refuse to believe she's not a day over 55!) she still leaves us breathless. Trust me, this just only the beginning;of her placing that crown back right back on her head. Get ready, because the queen is back!

What do I pick up for Ms. Ross?

There's no question that Diana Ross is back. However, I pick up her begin very strategic and planning everything out. So look for things to come to the public rightly timed but very slow. A new album is in the works but don't expect her to stray to far from her signature sound. It's going to sound very fresh but not too off the wall. Diana's at a point now that she feels that musically she's conflicted; on one hand she's done everything but on the other she hasn't taken enough risk. We'll see some of that in her new effort. Yes, she will be working with her buddy Neil Rogers. I also pick up her doing lots of writing. Writing another autobiography and songs. She's also in talks about getting behind the camera;directing,producing. Even acting again. This time, it may not be movies; it will be television. Not on black-ish though. She wants her children to shine on their own. I also pick up more touring but as the new year comes into play. Things will slow down on that front. Diana's at a point where a semi retirement sounds good to her.


Numerology Profile: Diana Ross.

Diana Ernestine Earle Ross born March 26, 1944. Has both the same life path number. (Your life path number tells you what you're destined to become) and birth number. (your birth number tells you about your personality) Ms. Ross has the life path number and the birth number 2. The number 2 is heavily tied to the moon and everything to do with beauty, femininity and intuition. That is why Ms. Ross can stop a crowd and still pack a house. Number 2 people also make great musicians and usually have some musical talent. Ms. Ross was going to sing even if would've been at a local church. Despite her begin known as a diva. Ms. Ross is anything but. She's very mothering to those that need and deserve it.(Number 2 people make great parents) Also contrary to her flashy stage persona she's very low maintenance when not on stage. She's also shy and at times doesn't see what the public sees in her. To her, she's just Diana. However, like everyone Ms. Ross has her dark side. Number 2 people are great people to work with until they feel like they're not begin heard. When that happens be prepared for them to lash out. Which explains Ms. Ross' at times diva-like behavior. When Ms. Ross feels that she's no begin taken seriously that's when her dark side comes out to play. With number 2 people when that feel they've been wronged they can become indecisive and temperamental. The keyword is feel. Number 2 people act from their heart. In Ms. Ross' case, if it doesn't feel right; it doesn't look, sound right because she puts her emotions in everything. She's very intuitive especially when it comes to her children or those close to her. She receives a lot her insight through dreams. Number 2 people also make great psychics and have to live near water. She's been thinking about her parents lately (namely her mother) and her friends Marvin Gaye/Michael Jackson. Her next musical working will be very personal. Because Ms. Ross is at the stage in her life; where the only voice that truly matters is the voice of the heart.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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