Star Readings: Jacob Kohinoor.

Talk show host, fitness buff, makeup artist and drag queen. Jacob Kohinoor wears many hats and he shows no signs of slowing down. However, underneath the makeup, muscles and yes even the smile. There's something more, someone that we the viewers don't see. I want to peel back the layers of him and allow you to see him in a different light. Hopefully, by reading this, you'll see that.

Jacob and Miss Jessica.

Jacob is expressing a part of himself that has been repressed for a long time. At least two years and now he's embracing who he is on a deeper level. It's almost like a spiritual experience for him. To answer everyone's question, No, he is not transitioning. Not there's anything wrong with that. He's just celebrating all of who he is. Miss Jessica, is the more fun, flirty side of him and he's loving every minute of it. Even though, he doesn't show it he's a very sensitive man. When people make comments it does phase him sometimes.

I pick up that he's going to do more style and makeup tutorials and I also see him getting into fashion. I pick up the colors black, red and a lot of lace. Jacob/Jessica honey, continue to do you. I also see him doing some pageant work as Jessica. He's a great dancer but he may need some help with choreography.

Jacob and Love
When it comes to love. He's open to it but now he's more selective and even a bit cautious. He's come to a point in his life and growth where if you don't embrace him for who he is. You can leave. Jacob darlin' keep that heart open as the men are coming in droves but don't allow yourself to be used or lead down a path of disillusionment. There is someone coming into your life possibly in the summer (June.)

Jacob's Career

I pick up in transition. He's stepping out of one career into a new and better one. I do pick up a little bit of fear when it comes to this but he's going to be okay. Do see more youtube videos but this time you're going to see him evolve and not just skits. I also pick up him wanting to start a some sort of business as well. In the next year or so. As I pick up money exchanging hands and contracts. I also see him writing and doing more work on his talk show.

Jacob's Health

Weight lifting. Working out and even juicing. That's what I pick up for him when it comes to his physical health. What I get that he needs to keep up on is his mental and emotional health. As I get that he goes through depression at times and he feels scatterbrained in the head. Jacob, mediation would work wonders for you and also having someone who is honest with you to talk to. Not someone who is just kissing your ass.

Jacob and Spirituality
When it comes to spirituality. I pick up growth and questioning. He knows that there is something greater than himself out there and he wants to know more about it. His faith is very deep and I get that at one point, he seriously considered going into the ministry. Jacob stay grounded in your faith and use your faith to keep you sane. Also don't be afraid of growth when it comes to your spirituality. It will serve you well.

Jacob/Jessica, Be who you are, honor who you are and love all that you are. You are special and needed more than you know.

Love, Leo Brown :) 

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