Star Readings: James Colwell.
Work Cookie! We know
novelist and social media personality James Colwell for his many
catchphrases, harsh truths and commentary on current events. To many,
he is an open book.
However, I feel that there
is more than meets the eye beyond his quick wit and tough love. It is
my intention through this reading that we see the many aspects and
sides of him.
James on James
When I pick on James'
energy. I pick on a man that would say. “Oh, honey, I'm just me.”
and while at the same time there's a toughness that has fought
battles that we know nothing about. I also pick up a great deal of
gratitude. James is so grateful for all that he has been through. The
last 3-4 years were not easy for him. Especially mentally and
emotionally. He's still dealing with some of the aftershocks of that
time but now with a clearer head and a more open yet guarded heart.
His family, friends and children mean everything to him. If you
become friends with him. You've got a friend for life. However, don't
try him. Though I pick up that he's had to let some people who he
was once close too go. Despite that, he knows that he is flawsome.
Flawed and awesome! When he isn't writing or on camera. You can find
him shopping. Though I don't see him begin a shop till you drop kinda
person. I pick up that if it's fabric or something of importance then
it's a different story. However, I get that it's a get in, get out
and go kinda thing for him. I also get a man who generally keeps to
himself. It's not until something moves him or gets his passions
burning that he is out and about. With each passing year, he has
become more comfortable in his skin.
James' Health.
Something tells me to focus
on James' health. Not just physical health but spiritual and mental
health. James baby, you've got some work to do. Clear out your head
and let go of your pain. I don't know what happened to you suga but
there's a loss here somewhere. That happened over 10-20 years ago.
It involves a woman or female energy but I feel as if she was your
biggest supporter and best friend. She's still around baby, however,
you have to grieve properly. Also you live in your head and when
things touch your heart. They really touch your heart. Some would say
that you wear your emotions on your sleeve. You don't, you just have
a sense of compassion that is at times too much to bear. When it
comes to your physical health. I see you dropping weight, slowly and
improving your eating habits. More fruits and veggies. Light
weightlifting and some boxing. I pick up smoking too but not as
much. Which is good. Spiritually, I see you praying more and
practicing to be more in the moment. Because as you have said, life
is all about changes and chances honey!
James and Love.
High standards with down to
earth ideals. James is a romantic to a point but at this stage of the
game. He doesn't have time for the bullshit. Either you come right or
not at all. I also get that in order to get into his heart, you must
get into his head. Even though it's not just the things you say but
the things you do and how you present and carry yourself that
impresses him. His relationship life is something that is very
private. Though I don't pick up him acting on his impulses, he's open
to conversation. However, it has to be the right kind. Where James is
at emotionally, if you are not real and you cannot approach a queen
accordingly. Then you may go. He's protecting himself in every sense
of the word.
James' Career
More novels. I don't know
why but I pick up that there's a movie or movie script in the works
as well. James, keep writing because I see your books not only doing
well. Though you may know it but your writing does change lives. I
also pick up a memoir or a small speaking tour that you may do in the
next year or two. As far as drag race goes, keep going for it. As I
pick either season 11 or 12. However, even if you don't get it.
You're going to be very busy as I see you designing and a promotion
at your regular gig. So buckle up girl, you're going to be more than
okay. James baby, you really need to think about doing your custom
designs for the public. Cause lord knows, you've got some gifted
hands and quite an eye for detail.
James and Spirituality.
hear gospel music. Not just any type of gospel music but that old
time gospel. James knows where his faith lies and knows that it's not
the church but the people that have made many come away from it. As I
said before, he's very prayerful. He's also very medium-like as I
pick up that he sees and feels spirit around him. He's also a big
researcher when it comes to spirituality and questions everything.
Which is a good thing but it's also bit him a bit as some are not as
strong nor as open minded as he is. James, keep praying and talk with
your ancestors. You've had a few visitations before and they want to
here from you. (He's a big dreamer as well.)
slaying it and letting us have it chile' You are loved and needed
more than you know.
Leo Brown :)
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