Star Readings: Erik Dillard.

Singer/ Actor/ Writer/Entertainer/Truth Seeker/Survivor.

He sings because he is happy, he sings because he is free. If you were to describe performer Erik Dillard the lines from the classic spiritual “His eye is on the sparrow” would fit him perfectly. Erik, that's Ms. Melody if you're nasty honey, shows no signs of no longer showing up, giving up or showing the fuck out! Erik has paid and continues to pay his dues, guaranteeing himself a seat at the table. Trust me when I tell you, he will not lose.

Erik's Mission

If I had to put what drives Mr. Dillard into a word it would be Empowerment and Freedom. Freedom of the mind, body and especially the spirit. Not just when it comes to expression but the ability to be who you are and show every color that is in your crayon box. For too long he knows what it's like to not be yourself. In fact, it's something that he still has his issues with but he also knows that once you embrace all that you are, there is no stopping nor turning back. Erik baby, now I know that you love performing and giving to kids on the cameras. However, you should really consider begin either a life coach or a therapist. Because not only is your knowledge profound but, you have a sense of patience and compassion that is out of this world.

Erik on Erik

A dreamer but at the same time very practical. Erik knows his strengths and weaknesses and he uses them both. He's not one for bullshit or people that wastes his time. If you and when you approach him (Especially when it comes to business) Your plans had better be right and your money on time. He will not play with you hoes. However, there's also a part of him that is extremely sensitive and even a bit silly. To some, your first impression of him may that he's a bit standoffish. That's true to a certain point. What's going on is he's trying to see if you can handle every part of him that he brings out. He's like a shot of tequila, biting yet very smooth. If you can handle that, then you're in good no, great company. He's also someone who is very emotional and highly clairvoyant. He knows what a person may need before they do. Erik baby, I'm happy that you love to help people but don't forget about yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup.

Erik and Tony: Love, Passion and Unity.

When it comes to Erik's love life. I pick up that for the past 2-7 years. He focused on himself. His career, his life. The person that he is with now. Kind of popped up out of nowhere. However, what brought them together besides true chemistry was and is friendship. Erik and Tony love each deeper than we can only think of. What we have here in their relationship is balance. Erik and Tony babies, keep that balance going. It's what sustains you both and keeps you going when times are tough. Erik,you are Tony's emotional base. Tony, you are Erik's strength. Together, both are unstoppable. Remember this and you will remain friends and lovers for a very long time. I pick up a marriage for the two of you but it feels as if you both know you don't need nor want all the bells and whistles. Because you are married in spirit. I also pick up a musical collaboration for you both. Now I know Erik can sang but I feel that Tony has some musical talent as well. Maybe not singing but in terms of putting things together like writing and instrumentation. I pick up that the love that you and Tony share is genuine, natural and real. There's a feeling of completion from it. Not that you complete each other but that you compliment one another. Erik, you've been through some pretty shitty relationships. Which is why Tony means so much to you. I pick up many times where some of your relationships were mentally, verbally, emotionally and even financially abusive. This one just “fits” and that's because you both were spiritually and emotionally ready to accept love in all it's forms.

Erik's Health

I don't know why but I pick up joint or muscle issues at times. Slow down on the cardio boo, we ain't 19 anymore. Also keep eating clean but allow yourself some room to just go ham. Keep the dairy products to a minimum. Other than that you are fine physically. What I pick that your main focus should be is your emotional health. You really need to cut back on the news (cause you are such a worrier at times) and keep either a journal with you or buff up your meditative practice. Because it will help you remain grounded. Also, keep cutting off the people, places and things that no longer serve you. You are doing the right thing. (Especially with certain family members and so-called friends.) I pick up 2-3 so called friends that not only need to go but need their asses kicked. So keep doing you.

Erik and Spiritual Growth.
When I tap into Erik and his spiritual journey I hear the word Eclectic. For Erik, spirituality is like a good meal. It has a little bit of everything in it. Now, don't get me wrong he knows and understands Christianity better than most, he just doesn't eat the dogmatic potato salad anymore. This time, Erik is doing his own thing. Seeing that true spirituality is about freedom and inclusiveness. Not control and fear. I pick up everything from eastern faiths to good old gospel hymns. He is also on a quest to find out more about his roots. Not just family roots but even racial ones. Listen to your dreams Erik, they will help you and guide you. Just know really know that you uncovering and discovering the truth, your truth is helping you become more enlighten everyday.

Erik's Career.

Busy and red hot! I pick up a lot of writing. Play, short stories, songs and movies. I also pick up that you may be going back into the studio soon. I don't know why but I pick a tribute album or something where you want to pay respect to those that have come before you. I also pick up that you're going to be teaching. Not just singing but life lessons. Keep going with your live videos because I pick up that you may doing a talk show in the next 3-5 years or so. You're also going to be snatching some trophies too so get them outfits ready. (Early next year) You want to expand your brand but you also want to empower. I've got news for you Erik baby, you're doing exactly that.

Love, Leo Brown :)
P.S. Let Tony and Shelly reclaim their damn time!


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