You're not "WOKE" You're WEAK: Yes,"conscious/woke" community I'm talking to you!

Start a revolution.

Stay Woke. That saying has been said and invoked more times than I care to count. Hell, I've said it myself. Let's be honest, the intention is good, great even. Wake up to what's going on around you and within your communities and if you can. Try to do something about it. Find out about your history and culture.

All good things right? Of course they are. We should all find out about who we are and where we come from regardless of racial background. Along with trying to change the world we live in.

Because let's be real for a minute, this world if we allow it to. Can and will chew you up and spit you out. Which is why we should stay woke.  However, I really need some people who proclaim that they're woke to shut what they call the fuck up. Why? Because many of these "woke" people are nothing but weak sheep masquerading as wolves.

Which is quite frankly, sad and disgusting. Just because you've watched Roots (Roots was and is a work of historical fiction) , 13 (Great film and very telling)  and True Colors (I won't even discuss what's wrong with this "movie.") Doesn't mean a damn thing. If you're using begin "woke" as a reason to infringe on the rights of others or as a reason to get your hands or mouth on some "hotep dick/pussy."

You're not woke, you're weak. Here's what I mean. Let's take a look at rompergate. You have so many men losing their shit over wait for it...a fuckin' jumpsuit! Something that's been popular since the 50's or earlier. It's not just men either.  I've heard many women say. "Can't we have anything for ourselves?

Listen bitter woman of the world, I didn't know that clothing had a gender. If you can rock a man's hat, men's boots and even wear boxers because of the "freedom and comfort" they give you. Then allow us to wear our rompers aka jumpsuits in peace.

Getting back to the woke people of the world. What I find with many woke people regardless of race and gender is anger. Okay, I can see you begin angry about what's in front of you. However, don't use that anger to be a dick!

Example 1: Blaming the "system/white man" for everything but the color of your skin. Here's the thing, there is systemic racism in place. You and I both know that. However, there are also opportunities out there if you decide to go after them. Will it be easy? Probably not. However, it can be done.

Example 2: Sexism and Misogyny: For you men that feel that a "woman's place" is to support their king. Even the "king" has no job, doesn't know how to balance a checkbook nor does his own laundry.   However, his dick is gold and the head is fire.

I've got news for you. You don't want a "Queen" you want a mama. The same goes for the "Queen" that brings nothing but her tits and ass to the table. If that's all you've got to offer. You don't have much. Another thing, for all the hoteps that are telling women how their periods should go and what they should do with their cycle. What the fuck!?

First of all, do you even know a woman's body? Do you know why they call it PMS? Because it's issues leading up to the starting of a woman's cycle. We don't make light of your erection issues. Don't make light of a woman's plight nor tell her what her body should do. By the way, wash your balls.

Example 3: Toxic Masculinity: I see this way too much in the "woke/conscious" community or as I call it "The real down low community."  As you might've noticed. I'm gay, in some cases real gay.  Because of my liking big dicks, fried chicken and farie dust. To some in the "woke/conscious" community. I'm not a man. Well no, I don't fit your version of what a man is.  You know the type. Wears a daskik, talks about going to back to the "motherland" though they know nothing about it and is just mad because they nothing else to do.

I am also feminine. With or without makeup. However, to them. I'm the white's man product. Because unlike some of them. I choose to live in my truth. Well I'm sorry, if I don't cover up my desires to suck dick, wear my heels and beat this face like some of you do. Come on out baby, the water is nice and warm for you! Cause, the last time I checked. You were looking at something nice and wasn't my face.

There's no real way to be a man. Just as there's no real way to be a woman. Just be you and do you. While allowing me to do the same. Respect me and I will do the same. Simple as that. Also, if someone like me calls you darlin, sweetie, honey, puddin' or the like.

Take it as a compliment. If I can take you telling me how we are "the original people" and how your dick cures all diseases (Why are you telling me this if you don't like us homosexuals?) for the 100th time, Then you can deal with me callin' you darlin or any other term of endearment. Besides, it's a southern thing.

So I say to all of my "woke" people. Stay woke and I'm happy that you and I have started this process. However, remain awake for the right reasons.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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