Phaedra Parks and Porsha Williams: Two Sides Of The Same Coin.

Phaedra Parks and Porsha Williams.
Reality TV is a strange, addictive animal. Much like the talk-shows of the 90's and the early 2000's. I know that I was not the only one who ran home to watch Ricki Lake, Jenny Jones and Jerry Springer.

Let's face it, for those of us who watch reality television. It's a means of entertainment but it's also a means of escape. Many of us, myself included will watch a show and after the show is over. Whether subconsciously or not will go. "Thank gods that's not me." Or some of us will use the time to look at the situations that are played out on television. To look at ourselves.

Hence, why I am writing this post. Tonight, like most. I watched the RHOA (Real Housewives of Atlanta) reunion. In tonight's final installment. The truth came out regarding cast member Phaedra Parks.

By now, we all know that she lied. Beyond all that, let's think for a minute. In life, how many of us have been a Phaedra? Hands? Hands? Now, I'm not taking up for her. Hell no. She was wrong as two left feet.

What I am asking is, how many of us have lied to cover our own asses? I know I have. When I look at Phaedra. I see a woman who is very broken. Instead of begin honest with herself first along with seeking professional help. She chose to lie and back peddle. Why? Because it's easy and it saves you from confronting the issue at hand.

If you watch someone like Phaedra they know how to defect an issue and make it seem like they are the victim or that you owe them something. When, both they and you know the truth. Then take a look at Porsha.

In this instance, she was not just the victim but the go between. We've all been the go between to someone. How many of us have made "friends" or have people "befriend" us only to either get to someone they like, make someone jealous or get back at them. I've been a victim of that. We all have.

Because guess what? Does it hurt? Yup. Is begin a liar good ? Nope. Does lying and begin fake work for a while? It can. Is it safe? Nope. When you think about it, we're all one step or choice away from begin a Porsha or Phaedra.

When you start to look in your own internal mirror. You have to look at both sides of it. When I look at it. I can see myself in both Porsha Williams and Phaedra Parks.

Porsha, the person who struggles to find her voice and wants to grow without having to sacrifice anything. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but truth growth requires sacrifice.

Phaedra, the person who wears a mask of who they are. However, once that mask falls off the broken and bitterness makes itself known.

So I ask of you, the next time that you watch a reality television show. Don't just use it as escape. Use it to look at yourself.  I have.

Love,  Leo Brown :)


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