Star Readings: Wayne Gonzalez.

There's much to be said about Wayne Gonzalez. Fitness buff, wearer of wife beaters, selfie taker, astrologer. However, we're not going to talk about those things today. Let's get to know the man 
behind the hoodies, snapback hats and witty comebacks. Hopefully, we'll do some of that today.

Wayne on Wayne.

When I pick up on Wayne and his energy. I get someone who is kind of at a crossroads in life. Meaning, that there's still so much he wants to do with not just personally but professionally. I get everything from writing to teaching and yes, even some television. I also get that Wayne likes to be seen but only so much. Hence, why we have a lot of selfies but it's rare we hear him speak. He's not shy per se' just someone who has to feel someone out before he opens up. He'd say something to you like “Who the fuck is you?” not just to throw you off your guard but to see if you can handle what he serves. If you can handle his realness, then you're good. Also, Wayne is very moody. So he needs his alone time. Even though he's not really alone (If you catch my meaning. ) He knows this, and sometimes he has to just get away from everything. He's the type of person that once he is on vacation. He is gone. He also has sick, twisted humor. Wayne often laughs at the wrong shit. However, if you're in on the joke, you're in good company.

Underneath the humor and moodiness. There's a lot of sensitivity. What people don't understand is that things affect him on a very deep level. Even though he may not express it to those around him. When it comes to his work. He wants people to take it seriously, not him because it's not about him. It's about the work and getting to the truth of things. With Wayne, the truth is always in your face. You just have to be open to receiving it.

Wayne and Spirituality.

Drums. I hear drums. When I tap into Wayne's spiritual base. I want to dance. I want to move. I want to shout. The ancestors have always been in his life and they are making themselves more known than ever. (especially the last two years) I also pick up moments of deep thought, tears and journaling. How Wayne connects to spirit besides through meditation is through music. I see him playing the drums and however long he may need to play. When he's done with them, he usually either feels energized or has more clarity about an issue. Spirituality to wayne is like a buffet. It's all interconnected. He's not one to shout about his faith but it is very deep and vast. He's also big on the healing power of angels.

Wayne's Career.

Expansion and Teaching, Those are the first two things that pop into my head as I tap into Wayne's career. I feel that he wants to go beyond radio. Though he's very grateful for the opportunity radio provides. I get some television work but I mainly get writing and learning around him. He wants to teach not just astrology but spirituality. In a real life way. There will be some television projects (I count at least 2-4) I also get that he may write a book. However, that may be in another year or two. More radio shows as well and he may also start doing some things via facebook or through an online medium. His career is going to grow more and more. In the next 3-4 years. I also pick up some international travel as well. Not for another 3 years or so.  You're in a good place Wayne, a very good place. Remember, success is a journey not a destination.

Wayne's Health

I get a cross between “No pain, no gain” and “I really just want to eat pizza and drink.” Wayne likes begin healthy but doing it is a constant battle. What I am picking up to solve that problem is change your scenery. You need to be around things like woodlands and yes, the ocean wouldn't hurt you either. Wayne baby, I know you love your muscles but yoga would do wonders for you. Especially your knees and your joints in general. As for eating, you're doing well. However, keep the drinking to a minimum and you may want to add more dark greens to your diet. Cut down on the red meat as well.

Wayne's Personal Life

Now, this for me is a bit dicey. When I tap into Wayne's personal life. It's like looking through a slit. You can see some things but not the whole picture. Wayne is a very private person. Though his friends and family mean everything to him. The person who has his heart means even more. If you can love him and allow him to show all sides of him. You've got him. What gets Wayne's goat is intelligence and humor. If you can tell a good joke, talk about the meaning of life and have a great taste in music. You may have a chance with him. With Wayne consistency is key. Along with nurturing and some affection. Don't hover over or smother him. Just remind him of his specialness and you'll be fine. He is a leo after all.

Wayne darlin', it has been a honor to know you and I want you to know that you ain't where you may be, you're not where you should be...yet but at least you ain't where you was. You are special and wiser than you give yourself credit. Never forget that. You touch people in so many ways. Now you be sweet baby, and never stop going for the gold.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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