Spiritual Evolution: Beyonce'

Beyonce as Oshun.

Let me start this post by saying that. I'm not a big Beyonce' fan. Not to say that she isn't talented. She is. Very talented. However, do I feel that she is the be all end all? No. Today though, I don't want to talk about her music.

I want to talk about her evolution. Her spiritual evolution. When she first came onto the scene. She was your typical black, christian girl who could sing. Then as time went on. She become known as the woman who women aspired to be.

However, as she got married and settled into begin a mom. A something shifted. I don't know if it was the birth of her baby girl or even the betrayal from her husband. If you watched and studied her closely Beyonce' changed.

Take a look at the "4" album. She showed a more mature sound, while experimenting with issues such women's empowerment. She even toyed with african beats/caribbean rhythms. (Look at Grown Woman, Countdown and Run The World for examples.)

Then look at the album Lemonade, If you study it. It is an album of pain, growth, realization, closure and last but  never least healing.  I don't know if she made the album just to make money. I'm sure that was part of it but I also think that she wanted show that like us, she's human and she can be vulnerable.

With Lemonade. She became more aware of who she was. She started to look into her roots and culture (Or someone did that for her.) Beyonce became aware of her power or woke as some of us like to say.

Beyonce, Miss Tina and Blue Ivy. (Mother, Maiden and Crone.)
Now we see her as we've never seen her. As a goddess. If you study any mythology or any spirituality outside of monotheism. Then you would know that the goddess that she is channeling is Oshun.

For those of you who don't know, Oshun is the goddess of love, fertility, sensuality and the river.
She is also a goddess of healing, money and divining. Shout out to all of my readers in the house.

What we are seeing before us now. Is Beyonce the woman. The woman who not only knows her powers but owns them. We're also seeing a woman of a journey. A journey of growth and self discovery.

She is telling us through her chosen form of communication that it is never too late to take off the mental, emotional and yes, even spiritual chains that weigh you down and access your royalty.

By her channeling and paying honor to Oshun. She is saying that we all are royal creatures. Only we have to see it, feel it, know it, earn it, learn it and own it.

This journey is NOT easy by any means. However, it is a journey that is worth doing and seeing through.

Thank you Mrs. Carter, for showing us that we too are kings and queens. As long we do the work of embracing our royalty.

Love, Leo Brown :) 


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