Trump's Muslim Ban: My Thoughts.
#psychicleo #muslimban #mythoughts #nobannowall Okay, I've been quiet about this however, I cannot hold my thoughts any longer. This attack on a group just because they believe or they live in a country that believes differently than and because they have brown skin (Yeah, I said it!) is not only deplorable but unjust.
For those of you that come with "but he's protecting us from the terrorist." You are more than welcome to lick my salty balls after I go for a run on the treadmill. Or for my "woke" people that say, "Well, you didn't see protest like this for #blacklivesmatter!" First, quit defecting your want to have the privilege of the whites is showing. Second, you are wrong and third, why does it fucking matter?!
It's common sense. Oh since, you're so "woke" you can't see that. Plus, to most of my "hotep" folks. I'm not one of you anyway, cause I live in my truth while sucking dick. Yes, I said that as well. This ban is nothing but racism, islamophobia and xenophobia plain and simple. If you agree with this "ban" in anyway you can kiss my cheeks and not the ones on my face and you may unfriend/follow me. These are women, children, grandparents, someone's wife or husband. People that belong here just as much if not more than you do.
Cause many of them had to go through the long and tedious process of that thing called immigration. If you do not have compassion and empathy for people who are begin oppressed than YOU are no better than Bannon, Trump and many of the men and women who want to see people like you and I gone from this world, not just this country. Don't come to me with your karma aurgement or say that we should just "wait and see" and certainly, don't come defending this mess. Because trust me, I'm not the one you want. For those of you that are saying, "Leo you sound mad." No I'm not mad. In fact, as I write this, I'm eating some ben and jerry's.
I'm just tired. Tried of seeing people who though they may not believe as I do, they look like me begin mistreated. Tired of seeing innocent people who want fair and equal treatment be persecuted and most of all, tried of the bullshit! My platform may not be huge but it is a platform and I have a right to speak and out against unjustices. You must stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Love, Leo Brown :)
For those of you that come with "but he's protecting us from the terrorist." You are more than welcome to lick my salty balls after I go for a run on the treadmill. Or for my "woke" people that say, "Well, you didn't see protest like this for #blacklivesmatter!" First, quit defecting your want to have the privilege of the whites is showing. Second, you are wrong and third, why does it fucking matter?!
It's common sense. Oh since, you're so "woke" you can't see that. Plus, to most of my "hotep" folks. I'm not one of you anyway, cause I live in my truth while sucking dick. Yes, I said that as well. This ban is nothing but racism, islamophobia and xenophobia plain and simple. If you agree with this "ban" in anyway you can kiss my cheeks and not the ones on my face and you may unfriend/follow me. These are women, children, grandparents, someone's wife or husband. People that belong here just as much if not more than you do.
Cause many of them had to go through the long and tedious process of that thing called immigration. If you do not have compassion and empathy for people who are begin oppressed than YOU are no better than Bannon, Trump and many of the men and women who want to see people like you and I gone from this world, not just this country. Don't come to me with your karma aurgement or say that we should just "wait and see" and certainly, don't come defending this mess. Because trust me, I'm not the one you want. For those of you that are saying, "Leo you sound mad." No I'm not mad. In fact, as I write this, I'm eating some ben and jerry's.
I'm just tired. Tried of seeing people who though they may not believe as I do, they look like me begin mistreated. Tired of seeing innocent people who want fair and equal treatment be persecuted and most of all, tried of the bullshit! My platform may not be huge but it is a platform and I have a right to speak and out against unjustices. You must stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Love, Leo Brown :)
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