Star Readings: Quentin Latham aka Funky Dineva.

His hair is laid and his rent betta be paid! When we think of Funky Dineva. We think of a person who is known for his at times biting wit and social commentary. However, I want to focus more on the man. Not just the man in the bad wigs and lipstick.

Quentin and Funky Dineva

Funky is part of who he is, not all of who he is. Believe it or not once the wig is off and he is not “on” Quentin is very shy and laid back. He is also very business oriented. I pick up that he wants to do more with his brand and even give back to the community that put him where he is. He's going to start doing more of that in the two years. I also pick up growth within his career as well. Lots of writing, producing and something to do with either radio or a podcast. As well as real estate ventures,

Quentin's Love Life

Love right now is in bloom. I do pick up someone around him (more like more than one person) but I also pick up that he's trying to make the best decisions. He's been through it in the past. I pick up a lot with the past three years. So he's a bit guarded. Quentin honey, it's okay to show a little vulnerability. In fact, it will help you as you go through this thing called life. So open your heart.

Quentin and Spirituality

I don't know why, but when I tap into Quentin and his spiritual side. I pick up preaching and speaking. I don't know if he comes from a church background but it is heavy with him. As he gets older. I see him speaking to the youth and warning them about the things he went through. I also see that his spiritual base is a foundation for him. It keeps his grounded and in tune with himself. He's been on a spiritual journey for the past five years. Which has helped him find a better understanding of himself. Don't worry Quentin, it's going to make sense soon.

Quentin's Health

Health is something for some reason. I feel is a bit dicey. I don't know why but I do. Stay away from the candy and junk food. I also get some issues with chemical dependence. I don't know why, he's trying to shake that off and become a better man. Q, eat more greens and practice mindfulness as you stay in your head. Also, don't worry so much about family or those you cannot save. You are human, not perfect.

Quentin honey, you're on the right path. The path for you. It's now time to clean house and keep it clean. You are not just funny but very insightful. Show more of the personal side of you and all will fall into place.

Love, Leo Brown :) 


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