Star Readings: Iyanla Vanzant.
I'm here to help you do your work. That my
friends is life coach and speaker Iyanla Vanzant's mission. She wants
to feel but not just your wounds but she wants you to heal your
wounds both inside and out. However, instead of taking a look at the
people she helps. We're going to take a look at the woman behind the
healer. One thing is for sure, her journey just like ours is just
getting started.
Love Life
Now, I normally don't focus on this aspect of a person's
life but for some reason. I'm begin told to do so. Iyanla is very
much in love. In love with life. In love with her journey and in love
with herself. Her partner gives her all that she needs and helps her
to grow by nurturing and caring for her. Especially mentally. Iyanla
is a thinker first, feeler second and actor third. So man who remains
private for both of them not only gives her affection but allows her
to breathe and just be. I also pick up that for her nature is a lover
all it's own. Once she puts her feet on the ground or hears the birds
sing. All becomes clear.
Red hot mama! I know that may sound funny. However, when
I focus on Iyanla's health that's how she feels. For the first time
in a long time. In shape, well and in control. Smoothies, yoga and
nutrition have become very important to her in the last 2-3 years.
Along with watching her carbs and focusing more on fresh, organic
produce. Which is why she's become more slimmer than normal. She also
learned just let a lot of shit go. Now, she does workout but she's
not a fanatic about it. At least 3 times a week and no running or
nothing too heavy. I pick up that her health has gotten better
because she has gotten better. You see, Iyanla is the kind of woman
that once she gets what she needs she is off and flying. Stay
hydrated girl, and learn to balance things one at a time and you tend
to carry a lot of clutter in your head. Writing things down more
often will certainly solve that problem.
My Life
If we thought that the past 3 seasons of Fix My Life
were something. We haven't seen anything yet! Iyanla is playing
no games and no fucks will be given, She going to get deeper. Some
may say even meaner but it will be the tough love that we need. That
they need. She's going to tackle deeper issues and that will have
both talking, crying and scratching our heads. I also pick up her
taking a more active role in dealing with her guests on and off
camera. This next season she will be nurturing but she will also mean
business. I also pick up her doing more speaking and workshops around
the country and coming with a more tell it like it is approach to
certain things. There will be more books as well. 3-6 more. Her goal
this year and beyond is to hold up that mirror even closer to not
just your face but your soul. Especially when it comes to social
injustice. There's so much wants to do, is doing and so much that we
don't see.
and Spirituality
The ancestors are calling and this time she not only
listens. She honors. Iyanla knows that without her faith she could
not and would not do what she is begin called to do. She also is
begin to led to train others who like her on the same path. She wants
to teach but only with those that truly want to learn. She has grown
so much in the past 10 years that to tap into her spirit and her
divine that is within her is like breathing. Prayer, emotion and
music are just some of the ways that Iyanla connects with the divine.
The reason she does her work is because she wants us to see and
become the greatly divine people that we've always been, Quite time
when there is no work to do is when the divine comes to her most and
there's a great connection to her mother and grandmother. They speak
with her via dreams. Along with her daughter. I also pick up her
growing and developing her intuitive gifts more and they are becoming
stronger. They been this way for the past 4 years but now, they've
led her to where she needs to be and who she needs to help. That
what makes fix my life so great, along with her staff. It's a
divinely inspired show.
Thank You Iyanla, for helping us to feel, deal and heal.
We love you!
Love, Leo Brown :)
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