Star Readings: Tavis Smiley.

Tavis Talks.  Author,talk show host and commentator Tavis Smiley has a lot to say when it comes to both the world and black community at large. Although many of us may not agree with him or his point of view. One thing is for sure, he is a man on a mission of self expression, improvement and reflection. Not just for himself but for everyone around him.

Tavis' Mission.

Empowerment and uplifting his people, all people. The reason he is at times gruff is because he's seen countless times how the world treats black people as well as men and it bothers him on a deep, emotional level. He's going to write more books 2-3 more and in them you'll see his growth and frustration. I also see him speaking at many rallies in the coming months. He's mad as hell and isn't taking it anymore. He wants to change the world and that's exactly what he is going to do. I also pick up him doing more work with Cornel West and Roland Martin. There are going to be more speaking engagements and television appearances.

Tavis' Love Life.

When it comes to his love life. That's a private matter. Tavis doesn't kiss nor does he tell. Even though I do pick up a few women in his life. He's not a player but he crushes a lot. However, when it comes to relationships he's a one woman man but that woman has too be able to get him on every level. If you can't stimulate him mentally, spiritually and then physically. Then it will not work. You either give him your all or it's nothing. Also contrary to popular belief. He's a very soft hearted man who loves, love but he's not an easy catch. Which is why it always appears as if he's single.

Tavis and Spirituality.

Tavis' spirituality is deeply rooted. I pick up a huge connection to his grandmother and his ancestors. Spiritual growth is very important to him and keeps not only grounded but very sane. I pick up a great deal of prayer and affirmations. I also pick up a great deal of reading and meditation. He's been a life long seeker when it comes to different faiths and beliefs as he feels that it's answered many questions He questions everything and everyone but god.

Tavis and Health.

Tavis, Tavis, Tavis. Chile' get more sleep. Learn to put away the paper and pin and just relax. It will do you good in the long run. Also add more greens to your diet and do more cardio. It will ease your sometimes crippling anxiety. Also look into journaling. You really need to unplug and laugh more than think. When was the last time you let your hair all the way down? I see you starting to relax more as we go into the new year. Trust me darling, everything is going to be alright.

Tavis, we thank you for your hard work and service. Even though they may not always agree. Your audience is there and they're listening with their ears, eyes and hearts wide open.

Love, Leo Brown :)
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