Star Readings: Nikki Woods

A woman with a plan, a woman with a purpose, a woman on a mission! Producer, motivational speaker and coach Nikki Woods has lots to say and do. She wants to not only help those around her do better but know better. She seeks to empower everyone around her and to show them that whatever the circumstance there's always another, better and brighter way.

Nikki's Mission

Empowerment. If I could sum up nikki's mission in one word that would be it. There's so much that she wants to do and is going to do. I pick up speaking engagements, 2 more books and I also pick up her doing more mentoring within her community. She truly wants people to see their own potential and to live their truth with honesty. Nikki, thanks to you they are doing just that.

Nikki's Career

Wearing many hats. I don't know how she sleeps at night. In addition to her continuing to produce in the world of radio. I also pickup her doing a podcast. I see, that her writing is going to start to take center stage more as I feel that it gives her more freedom in terms of saying what she feels. I also pickup her maybe lunching a production company as she sees what's on our small screens and wants to change that. I pick up a great deal of growth when it comes to her career but I also feel there's so many things that she wants to do. Girl, just pick one, the world is your oyster.

Nikki and Spirituality

Even though she's not one to shout real loud when it comes to her spiritual path. She is definitely a believer in something greater than herself. There's a reason that you wake so early too, it's not just for work. You get your greatest insights and your intuition comes alive during that time of morning. Even though, it drives you nuts sometimes, just take the time to listen to what you need to know for you. I pick up that you're very much an empath and you try not to feel for everyone but you can't help it. There's also a huge connection to someone who has crossed over, I get a lot of faith from this woman and biblical scriptures are just screaming in my head. You may not have known her but you get your faith and strength from her. She's keeping an eye on you too.

Nikki and Health

Fresh greens, smoothies and things like jogging and walking are what I pick up for Nikki's health. She doesn't have a problem with keeping the weight off upper body wise. Even though the lower areas like her hips and butt are another story. Do lots of cardio, drink more water and embrace your curves chile' I also pick up that she needs to get more restful sleep. Meditate more and calm your mind down as you are unwinding for the day. That will help you get more sleep. Journaling does the same as well. Also don't be scared to say no as you tend to be everyone's superwoman. Other than that you're good and I also say, yoga is a good thing for you as you have some stiffness in your joints sometimes.

Nikki and Family

Family is everything. That's sort of a motto for you girl, Also family to you is more than relations. Family means your sister friends to the newspaper boy. I pickup that it's time to catch up with some of your friends and I also pick up a girl's trip because I'm seeing a beach. Sometime this summer. Take the time to call the ones you love and though this may sound odd, write them too. When it comes to your children they're good but with one of them you need to let get go of your tighten of the reins a bit. Believe me, they listen to you more than you think. I pick this up with a male child. Also when comes to your children and certain family members. Stop worrying so much! As you live in Nikkiland meaning your head. You're doing the right things. Just remember to make time for you more and that no one is perfect.

Nikki girl, you are a diamond and though it may be hard and at times rough. Never stop smiling or shining. We love you!
Love, Leo Brown :)

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