Star Readings: Robert Wesley Branch.

Television producer and radio show host Robert Wesley Branch has been there, done that and is a living, walking testimony that anything is not only possible but in order to see the possible you must go through the impossible. Robert is a man on a mission of growth, self love and empowerment in every aspect of his life.

Robert's Mission.
Healing. Healing is Robert's mission. Healing himself and healing the world through the power of the television. Which is why he is behind the camera instead of in front of it. He knows that he can make a bigger, bolder impact by producing. There are three things on the table in regards to television and I pick up him speaking and writing a book as well. Look out for that within 2017-2018. I also pick up something in regards to him working with Tavis Smiley as well. I sense they're collaborating on the something for the future.

Robert and Spirituality.
Christ Consciousness. I didn't say christianty. I said christ consciousness. To Robert there are many, many paths to the truth and many connections to the divine. He plans to know about every one of them or at least read about them. Along with applying them to his life. To Robert everything has a spiritual connection. I pick up him learning more about God and how to tap into his higher self as the year comes to an end. Which is what is inspiring his writing, teaching (I pick up him teaching in the next two years or so) and speaking.

Robert's Personality.
Classy, sassy and down to earth. That is Robert in a nutshell. Many may think that he is a snob. Not really, Robert just knows what and how he wants things done. For some, it rubs people the wrong way. Trust me there is no ill intention on his part. Despite his at times serious persona. Robert loves to laugh and is a big prankster but even his brand of humor will make you think deeply. He needs to take the time out to laugh more and think less. As his mind is always “on”.

Robert and Health
When it comes to health in every arena of himself. Robert strives for begin at his absolute best. I pick up a great deal of running, meditation and healthy eating. Careful Robert, It's okay to give yourself a little room to wiggle if you so choose. As he loves trying new foods and experimenting with different types of fruits and veggies. I pick up a lot and I do mean a lot of smoothies. Also Robert, be careful when it comes to your running. I pick up a little bit of joint issues. I also see him doing other activities such as yoga and hiking.

Robert and Love.
Self Love is on Robert's mind. Not the physical kind. Robert knows the power the love has and wants to be sure that he uses that power wisely. He also knows that love is more than just having someone in your bed. For Robert there are different types of love and he's embracing them all. Which is helping him to heal and feel from a deeper place. As for having a mate, he knows that it's all about timing and also that his calling is deeper than we what see with our eyes. His goal is for love, healing and empowerment to shine from the inside out and in every form. Don't worry Robert, you're on the path that you were meant to be on.

Love, Leo Brown :)

Who should be the next star reading?

Listen to Robert's show here : The Robert Wesley Branch Show. 


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