The REAL reason people call/see psychics.
There's an old saying that goes. "People do different things for different reasons." That's true in some respects. If we were to sit and think for a minute about our patterns and routines we'll all notice that we may do something in a different way from someone else.
When it comes to my profession. I've often found myself saying "Why are they calling or coming to see me?" I know that to some of you that may sound silly but it's true. In giving readings. I've often wondered what makes a person seek out me or someone like me.
Over the years, I've come up with some good and some not so good reasons as to why people like you and I seek out services from a psychic/healer/medium/card reader etc, etc, etc. Here are a few of them.
1. Confirmation: Have you ever gotten the hunch that something just wasn't right with the one you love or your job? Well, that's where the psychic comes in! Nine times out of Ten you already know that the man/woman is not the one or that it's time for a new career. What the psychic does for you is simply confirm that you're on the right track and let's face it we ALL need a little reassurance at times.
2. Validation: Let's be real, we all want to be made to feel or told that we are valid and that we matter. For certain people, when they call a psychic. They don't necessarily want to be read but to they want to be told that they matter and that everything is working out for their greater good. When you feel valid about who you are and where you're going, you can do and be anything.
3. Closure: Lost a loved one or Did your love just dump you? Well, here's where a psychic may come in. We're here to provide closure for you. Sometimes you want to know if that relative has made it to the other side or that the person who's dumped you is just as heartbroken as you are. There's nothing wrong calling or seeing a reader for these reasons. Besides, closure leads to healing and allows us to love again.
4. Begin told what you want to hear: Now when it comes to this reason, I don't view it as a good one. However, the old adage you get what you pay for is true. If you're going to psychic only to be told what you want to hear then I suggest you stay home or hang up the phone. However, if you find someone who tells you only what you want to hear than just remember the old saying "There's a sucker born every minute."
5. Having Someone To Talk/Vent To: Some people call psychics just to talk. Nothing more or less. Some of us may feel that our friends and family have either judged us or they've heard about our plight too many times. That's where we come in. We're here to not only tell you what we see or sense but to listen to you. Believe it or not, hearing a client vent and sharing experiences can by a nice change of pace because it may help us to see our own shortcomings. Don't forget, we're human too.
6. It's Novel/Don't Believe It/Don't Take It Seriously: I know that this last reason may come as a shock to some of you but this is true. Despite the leaps and bounds that have been made thanks to television many people don't believe in psychics and feel that it's fake. Or if they do believe in it many have the attitude of "You're the psychic, you tell me." which in of itself is an insult to the psychic that truly wants to help you. If we knew everything about you we would not be here. Trust me! We're not here to con you or take advantage of you. However, if that's your gig than turn up. Otherwise, be respectful and honest with both the psychic and yourself and you should fare very well and be pleased with your reading.
There you have it, these are some of the reasons people come to or call a psychic. Can you think of any more reasons? If so, leave them in the comments below.
Love, Leo Brown :)
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