Star Readings: Latrice Royale.

She is large and in charge, chunky yet funky. She is... Latrice Motherfuckin' Royale! We all know that know her tagline. However, who is she really? What's underneath the makeup and lashes? That's what I'm going to pick up and find out.

What do I pick up for Latrice?

Growth in business and beyond. Latrice is so grateful for everything that she has been given and learned over the years. She has fought her inner battles and won. Her life is coming full circle. Look for her to be start telling her story either through the written word or by speaking. She's got a story and truly wants to help everyone who wants to receive her message. I also pick up her becoming more spiritually active and involved in her hometown even more than before. She wants to do something for the youth not just in her hometown but worldwide. Trust me folks, mama trice is just getting started.

Latrice's Love Life

The man in Latrice's life came right on time. Even though it didn't feel that way at first. For the both of them they've never been happier and feel that fate had a hand in the both of them finding each other. I don't see this relationship ending anytime soon. As they're both very spiritual and know that divine timing played a role for them. Plus, Latrice's soul has been ready for the past 3 years and when the soul is ready the mate appears.

Latrice's Career
Right now her career is burning up but not to the point to where she can't handle it. She's more focused on the business end of the business rather than just the glamour shots. She's also mentoring many,many up and coming people about how to have your business in place. I see a lot of contracts around her and her making deals for herself. There's a product line in the works and something to do with the food industry is also in the works. Along with some television projects. Her next 1-4 years are going to be her busiest and most rewarding.

Latrice and Spirituality

Her mother and many members of her family visit her in many different ways. Even though I pick up through dreams and the feelings of deja vu. Latrice knows that the spirit world does exist and has seen and felt it first hand. Her spiritual base is what helped her survive prison. She's a big believer in the divine but she doesn't shove it in your face. However, if you allow she'll share her testimony. She's also very intuitive but tunes into it when need be. She also can be a bit indecisive at times. Don't worry Latrice, you're on the right track.

Latrice and Health

Latrice is now taking an active role when it comes to her health. However, she knows that she will never be a size 2. She loves her curves and now she celebrates them. There was a time when she really didn't like herself but she's made peace with her past and encourages everyone to do the same. She is loosing weight but her own terms but in her own way. I see her juicing and eating more veggies and lean meats. She's staying hydrated by making water a big part of her diet. Latrice believes you can be sexy at any size and she's absolutely right. I up pick her dropping 20-30 more pounds by the fall of this year.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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