Star Readings: Loni Love.

Humor from the heart. Comedian/Talk Show host Loni Love has always allowed her heart to rule. It doesn't matter if she's telling jokes on the hit talk show The real or if she's on stage making us forget our troubles with laughter. No matter what she does, it's done with humor and heart.

What do I pick up for Loni?

Building of a brand. The past 2-5 years have been great professionally but kinda rocky on the personal level. Which is why now Loni is taking more chances and more risks than ever. The new man she has in her life is good for not only to her but for her. He gives her space and allows her to be herself. Off stage Loni is very internal and very emphatic to people and the world. She's going to do a lot of work with children and women in the next 2-6 months. There's a lot of charity work coming her way. 2-3 more books are on the way and there's more stand up dates coming as well. Like a small mini tour. She's also doing some writing when it comes to television and even a little producing. Loni is healing many wounds from childhood and her tween years. The ages 5-13 come to mind and she's letting go of some baggage when it comes to her family. Mainly her parents. Loni is learning to do the one thing that it takes some of us years to do love herself fully and unconditionally. She's also getting better with her health. She'll never be a thin rail but she loves her body now more than ever. Don't worry, Loni just keep spreading the love and you'll be just fine.


Numerology Profile: Loni Love.
Ever-changing, free spirited and opinionated. Loni Love never stays in one place for long. She's the type of woman who has to move around and once she's made her mark, she moves onto the next big thing. It's her destiny to desire freedom. Loni has a purpose number of 5. Number 5 people crave change.

So it's not a surprise that Loni took a risk (number 5 people are known for begin big risk takers) and left her career as an engineer to become something that was always inside of her a comedienne. Number 5 people are also very, very opinionated and say not only what's on their minds but also what they see. Loni is no exception. Number 5 people like Loni see everything as an either a challenge or an adventure.

On the flip side despite her quick wit and sharp comebacks Loni is actually a big thinker and never turns off her mind. Which for her can trigger things like anxious and nervousness. This is common with number 5 people. They truly believe in living life to the absolute fullest.

When it comes to her birth number. Loni has the birth number of 1. Number 1's are known for their bold personalities and relate-able nature. That's why for those of us who watch her on The real. We see her as our big sister. Number 1's also make the best actor's and actresses.

Loni is the type of woman either you love her or you hate her. She is who she is and nothing will change that. To some they may see that as begin stubborn or controlling; not really, it just means that Loni isn't looking for someone that she has to build up. She want's someone who already knows who they are.

When it comes to things like family and personal life she gives them both her all but, you have to worthy of her and her trust. Once you've gained it, you have a friend for life.
Comedy for Loni is not just telling jokes but delivering a message of empowerment for all people but especially women. If one person gets her message along with the humor then her she believes her job is complete.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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