Star Readings: Kenya Moore.

Life twirls on! That is not just a catchy saying for Kenya Moore but a motto of how she sees the world and things around her. She is often misunderstood and there are many misconceptions about her but down deep she is a woman of strength and resilience. Kenya's ultimate goal is to live her life in her own way, on her terms.

What do I pick up for Kenya?

Growth both personally and professionally. Her show will be picked up there are at least three negotiation deals taking place right now. Even though the series may start out online and then grow from there to transition to a major network. (ABC or NBC ) are expressing interest. She is learning to forgive herself and grow up. She doesn't mean to act or lash out but there's a lot of emotional healing that has been taking place for the past 4 years. Kenya is now learning that in order to truly know someone you have to walk a mile in their shoes. Which is not easy for her. When it comes to her new man. She's very happy but also very, very scared. Not of him but of making the wrong choices. Which is why they're moving very slow. Don't worry Kenya, you're going to be okay. Just embrace love and this moment with gusto!

As far as the show and her businesses. She's trying to become more level headed about her business and more organized. Kenya, there's 3 people that you need to watch closely when it comes to your affairs they're not bad people but just double check everything to make sure they're pulling they're weight and you'll be fine. When it comes to the show. There's a love/hate thing she has with it. On on hand it's a been a great opportunity but on the other; many personal bridges have been burned and that bothers her. Right now, I see her kind of begin on auto pilot and just going with the program. Also, I get that she really wants to stop instigating less and keep to herself. Even though she takes on the energy of others way too much. Which makes it hard for her to stay out of gossip and harms way. (she might be an empath) When it comes to her hair care line. Look for it to grow beyond that in the next year to two years. There's talks of a total skin care and body line in the works. I see her on HSN or QVC soon as well. When it comes to spiritually, Kenya knows there's something deeper around her and she's very psychic herself. She's more spiritual than religious. Whatever path Kenya chooses to go down she's going to be just fine.


Numerology Profile: Kenya Moore.

Born Kenya Summer Moore. January 24th 1971. If it doesn't make sense, she wants no parts of it. Kenya is a very old soul. This is evidenced by her purpose number. Kenya's purpose number is 4. Which means that for her everything has to make sense in one way or another. Number 4 people know that they've been on this plane many times and they know that each time is different from the last. Despite her out of the box persona. Kenya is a very maternal type of person. Which in the past has gotten her hurt. It's not that she wants children for the sake of wanting them. It's because she feels that she has something to teach them. She feels that it's her job to help other people. Which is why winning miss usa meant so much to her. Number 4 people also tend to be almost too logical when it comes to things and allow their heads to lead instead of their hearts. However, as she's gotten older Kenya is starting to allow her heart to guide her.

When it comes to her birth number which is the intuitive and investigative number 7. Kenya has to be in the know or at least have access to it. Which is why some may see her as nosy or a busy body. People who have the number 7 as their birth number love everything to do with learning. It doesn't matter if it's from experience or from a book. As long as they get something from it, that's what matters. Kenya is intuitive but not one who hears or sees. Kenya feels when something is either off or worth going for. Nine times out of ten she's rarely wrong. People who have the 7 as their birth number tend to look at life from a very philosophical way. To others it may seem like they live with their head in the clouds. They don't they just see the rainbow beyond the storms. Kenya is no exception when it comes to this way of thinking. Which is why she has such a youthful attitude towards life and possesses such strength in spite of adversity. Number 7 people are also very emotional. If you hurt a number 7 emotionally you'll know it but it will take them a minute to forgive you but they will never forget it. Which is why Kenya's pain is so deep when it comes to her mother and relating to others. Especially women. However, Kenya is embarking on a new chapter of her life. She is finally realizing that she is gone with the wind fabulous.

Love, Leo Brown :)
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