Where's the diversity? I mean, love. A lack of well known psychics of color.

What I am about to talk about is a subject that has been on my mind for a long time. Now I may offend some but oh,well. In my mind if you offend someone it usually means three things are happening, You're doing something wrong, right or you're telling the truth. What I am about to write is truth not just my truth but the truth of many of my friends and fellow colleagues.

What I'm going to talk about is the lack of diversity when it comes to well known psychics and the lack of people of color in the mainstream, If you look at the history of well known or "celebrity" psychics they usually have two things in common. No, make that four things.

  1. They're women and not that I have anything against women. I absolutely love and honor women and all that they are.  
  2. They're old. Now, before I go further let me say that becoming older is something that should be celebrated and not looked down on. For it's something that is denied to many. 
  3. They always and I mean always hail from these states New York, Boston, Mass, New Jersey, California or Georgia. 
  4. and yes, I'm going to say it. It doesn't matter if they're male or female they're always WHITE.
Now, before you go to name calling and slamming me. Let me hit you with some facts. There have only been four male psychics that have done very well for themselves and have a great following. They are John Edward, Chip Coffey, Thomas John and  James Van Praagh. That's right, only four men. 

I'm not saying that you have to have a television show or be everywhere to be successful. Of course not. I'm simply pointing out the lack of diversity when it comes to well known psychics, men and people of color. WTF tvland!? Could you not find a psychic who isn't from the east, west coast or southern states?  Of course you can.

Speaking of men. Where's the rest of them? Every psychic sans the four I mentioned that are well know are all women. Now, I get that women have mass appeal but really!? Not every psychic is a bouncing, bubbling blonde. Not that I have anything against blondes cause I don't. I'm just saying mix it up a bit. 

Now I know that some of you are asking, what about Miss Cleo? For you I have four words Bitch, please. Bye felicia. I have nothing against my girl from another world Cleo. In fact, I would love to meet her and we would have hot tea and crumpets as we dished the dirt about life. Trust it, 

What I have a major problem with is that whenever you have a person of color who happens to be a psychic on the scene they always hail from some "mystical land" that we as viewers can barely pronounce, have a thick and very put on accent and dress as if they just came from the united nations gift shop. Also we can't forget about the voodoo, hoodoo, witch doctor or priestess angle. Mustn't forget about that. 

As a witch I find it offensive to use sacred spirituality in a mocking way. If you're open about that part of you fine. However, if that's a gimmick for you; then we need to have a sit down and talk some shit out. Newsflash media, not all psychics of color hail from far away and barely speak english. 

We're right here. In your face. We're not jokes and we love what we do and who we are. Know that! Another lack that I have noticed is that there is a lack of psychics who are also from the GLBTQ community that are of color. Why is that I wonder? I think I can shed some light on this question. 

It is because for many of people of color begin a part of the GLBTQ community is still taboo and then adding begin a psychic on top of that packs a double whammy. So for many, we remain in the closet or open to those that can keep us a secret. 

To me that's bullshit. I'm not saying you should go around with a flag parading your sexuality; no you shouldn't what I am saying is be honest. When it comes to television Empire is great but sadly, not enough. I want to see people like Myself, Jerome Braggs or Savonn Champlle on television. Not just in the background as extras. 

If Theresa Caputo, John Edward, James Van Praagh, Kim Russo, Sunny Dawn Johnston and Thomas John can become household names then so can many, many others and they can look like the world we live in diverse and full of colors. If it takes someone like myself or another like me to shatter this glass house then so be it! It will not only be shattered but it will open doors for others everywhere.

Love, Leo Brown :) 







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