Star Readings:Gary Owen.

Humor with soul! Comedian Gary Owen has always been funny. From his days on BET's comicview to his scene stealing moments in Think like a man. By the looks of things, Gary Owen is here to stay and right where he belongs. Not only is Gary funny but unlike most comics who just make us laugh unbeknownst to him; he also makes his audience laugh at themselves. Highlighting topics such as Race, faith and relationships.  Because if you can't laugh at yourself then you don't know the true meaning of humor.

What do I pick up for Gary?

More movie roles. More touring and there's at least 2-3 more television specials as well.  There's also going to be some major writing going on with him. Some books much in the vain of Steve Harvey but funnier and there's 3 to 4 television deals in the works. He's at place now where he is grateful for where he is more than ever but at the same time the gratitude has made him even hungrier. He's going to work more with youth and kids. There's something going on with him and sports mainly basketball and how he wants to help kids through that medium. He thinks about his grandfather daily and sometimes he gets visits from him in dreams. His grandfather is extremely proud of him and whenever he needs a pick me up or some courage his grandfather along with many people who have shaped him pop into his head. He needs to watch his mental stress levels and take time to slow down on travel. His body clock is all over the place. Kenya his wife loves him more than he will ever know. They're both very lucky and came into each others lives at the right time. She worries about him and is very caring to him especially when he gets down. Which he tends to do sometimes especially when he is alone. He goes within a lot and the past comes up. Don't worry Gary, you've made the right choices and you're where you need to be.


Numerology Profile: Gary Owen

I have to say that doing Gary's profile was kinda difficult because I couldn't track down a birth year but based on his name and part of his birth date. I was able to find out a lot about him and it was very surprising and even made me giggle a bit. For starters, Gary's purpose number is a number that for me I found kind of odd but at the same time it made perfect sense given what he does. Your purpose number tells you what you're meant to do in life. Gary's purpose number is the number of passion. The number 9. This number is ruled by the planet Mars. People who have this number as their purpose number are often very emotional, impulsive but also have a lot of compassion for their fellow man. That's why whenever Gary hits the stage, he kills it but at same time; he allows us and himself to relate to one another while laughing and having a good time. For Gary, comedy is a way of giving back and helping people to forget their problems. Also many people who have this number as their purpose number may find themselves serving in the military or having a very uniformed life. Gary is no exception. As he served in the military during his youth.   When it comes to his family and personal life they're not only his heart but his passion. Number 9's tend to be very protective of their family but that's because number 9's go with their guts and nothing else. 

Now, when it comes to his birth number which is the number that tells you about your persona. From what I can gather Gary has the number 6. People who have the number 6 are often warm, charming and very, very good looking. Number six people are also very old fashioned when it comes to love and relationships. That is why his wife means so much to him. Also she sees him for who he really is and he's like when he's off stage. Gary's a very reflective person and he questions everything but that's because deep down he knows that there is more to life than what we think or see. Gary Owen is much deeper than we realize comedy is just the tip of the iceberg.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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