Star Readings: Brendon Ayanbadejo.

His rights, your rights, our rights. Former NFL player turned marriage equality activist Brendon Ayanbadejo has always been a fighter. It didn't matter if it was on the field or in front of the cameras giving a speech of truth and empowerment. For Brendon it's not just something he does to impress people with him, you're seeing who he is and what he believes in. What he believes in is equality for all people.

What do I pick up for Brendon?

More training and speaking engagements. There's some television in talks but for him it has to be right. Nothing that is stupid. For him message and image is everything. More fitness gyms opening up for him. At least 2-4 and there's talks of him doing a workout bootcamp and DVD series much like insanity. He loves kids and I see him wanting to do more to help children. When it comes to himself this man is very, very grateful for the life that he has lead and doesn't regret a thing. He still loves football but deep down inside he believes in timing. So everything came to him in time. He and his wife are a very strong and firm couple. They're truly best friends. He's so proud of his children especially his youngest because they've survived a lot and they've helped him to grow and he is the reason that he does what he does. He needs to change his diet (cut back on the protein) and take care of that left knee. Spiritually, he's grown a lot and knows there's more than what we see out there. He's a big believer in angels and there's someone on the other side that he thinks of quite often. It's in relation to his wife. The spirit is a male and very either fatherly or grandfatherly. Don't worry, he's watching and very proud of both of you.


Numerological Profile: Brendon Ayanbadejo.

Born Oladele Brendon Ayanbadejo September 6th, 1976. The fact that Brendon Ayanbadejo is an activist for equality is no mistake.  Brendon fights for the rights of everyone he meets. How do I know this? Because the numbers tell us all about it! You see, his purpose number is the number 6. People who have this number as their purpose believe in love and equality. So it's natural for him to become the ally that he has become when it comes to gay rights and civil rights.

Number 6 people are also know for begin extremely charismatic and very flirtatious. On the other side number 6 people are also very wise and introspective. That's why whenever you see Brendon on the news or giving a speech he delivers his points with class and truth. Number 6 people believe in the highest ideals. However, like everything there is a dark side. Begin that Brendon is a number 6 he sometimes can become a bit meddling to those he loves. He means well but it can be a bit much at times. He also can be very hard on himself if things are not perfect. At times, he's had his depressive moments which is why fitness and motivation has become such a focal point in his life.

When it comes to his birth number. Which is the number 2. Beneath the great body and out there personality. Brendon is actually shy and very intuitive. Brendon believes that everything should be in balance. When it comes to his children and family they are his life but in reality, he wants everyone to be happy. Many number 2 people make great politicians, speakers and have to live near a body of water.  They also make great dancers in Brendon's case you can bet that he knows how to move and has also toyed with the idea of running for public office.  One of the reasons Brendon is so passionate about life is because there are times that he is fearful for the future. He wants a world where we no longer see gender, color or orientation but we instead we see hearts, minds and souls.  A world that is safe and open for everyone.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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Does Brendon make a great activist?
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