Star Readings: Shar Jackson.

Everyone's best friend. Whether you know her as everyone's best friend Niecy Jackson on the hit 90's sitcom Moesha or through the headlines with former boyfriend Kevin Federline.  Shar Jackson has always had a down to earth and warm presence whether it's on or off screen. Shar Jackson is here to stay!

What do I pick up for Shar?

International travel, music, music,music. I see her producing things both in front of and behind the camera. She is also Djing and slowly moving up the ranks and one of the hottest celeb DJ's. Shar is also  making sure that this time around she has a peaceful life period. The last 3-5 years have been lessons for her and have to taught her to keep certain things like her personal life to herself and to seek answers within. She needs to make more time for the simple things in life. Like sleep, she's always thinking and dreaming. I pick up that there may be something like an anime or comic in the works. She also has at least 2 books in her head as well. In the coming months we will be seeing her on a TV series a very well known one. She along with two of her youngest children are very intuitive and she now is getting in touch with her roots more. Especially her native roots. As I see things like meditation and journeying around her. She has come to terms with her weight and even though she always feels that there is room for improvement. She now loves the skin she is in.  I pick up her doing a lot of weight training and running to help keep everything together. She has a big connection to the spirit world and there's a very strong connection to her grandparents. She believes in honoring those that have come before her. Shar is on a journey of self discovery and renewal and from the looks of it, she's on the right track.


Numerology Profile: Shar Jackson.

Born Sharisse Jackson on August 31st 1976. Shar Jackson's purpose and birth number follow one another. Which explains a lot in terms of who she is and what she feels she is meant to do. Shar's purpose number is the fiery number 9. Which is ruled by the planet Mars. In Shar's case she believes in the saying “Go hard or go home.” She approaches everything with lots of energy and feels that if there  is no passion in your life you're not living. Shar is also very protective of those she loves and cares for . Very much a lioness protecting the pride. When shar is in a relationship she can be a bit territorial with her mates but that's simply because she sees something in them that they don't see. When it comes to her work, Shar works hard but at same time. She thinks about the long term effects of the work and how it can and will impact the world. Shar is very selective about the work she does and who she works with and for. Number 9 people believe in helping the world become a more balanced and peaceful place. Ms. Jackson is no exception.  She believes that if she can inspire even one person to go for their dreams then her job is complete.

When it comes to her birth number which is the ever changing number 8. Shar believes that timing is everything and that in order to live a peaceful life you must constantly want to grow and change. People who have the number 8 as there birth number do well in both business and law. Shar would make a great lawyer because she's very good at negotiating contacts and bringing a point home. Number eight people believe in justice for everyone. In shar's case social causes not only affect her but are important to her. Especially children and single moms. Number 8's are also known for begin a bit greedy when it comes to money. It's not that they're money hungry. It's just that number 8 people think about the future instead of the present. With shar, it's not about what you have it's about you coming to the table with something to offer and maintaining that while with her.  Shar Jackson is a woman who knows who she is and what she wants and frankly, we're glad that she knows who she is because seeing her journey helps us start our own.

Love, Leo Brown :)
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