Star Readings: Rupaul.

Everybody say love! Love, humanity and unity that's what Rupaul is all about. That's been his goal since he first burst onto the scene in 1992. With his mega hit You better work (supermodel) Rupaul's job is not just to entertain but to educated and celebrate life and to show us that this world is as crazy and colorful as we make it. One thing's for sure is that Rupaul and his movement will not be silenced or ignored.

What do I pick up for Rupaul?

Growth and expansion not only of his brands, more shoes, makeup and accessories but of himself. Rupaul has grown so much spiritually and sees life beyond the glitz and glamour. More time will be spent with his sisters, husband and real true blue friends. He's also taking more of an active role as a business man and look for him to work behind the camera as well as in front. There's something he wants to do when comes to women's empowerment. More hiking and taking better care of himself health wise. I pick up a lot supplements and green smoothies, he's not big into meditation as he thinks too much but active meditations work better for him. There are lot of contractual things coming for him in the next 3-4 months and some international travel is coming up as well. Choose wisely when it comes to the contracts and there is talks of him starting a school where people can learn about drag and gay history. He also has 2 more books to write but that's not for another 3-10 years. His focus now is to live in the moment always. There's a big connection to his mother and more now than ever she is coming around and guiding him. He sometimes hears her voice. She loves him more than he will ever know and is very proud of him.


Numerology Profile: Rupaul.

Rupaul Andre Charles born November 17th, 1960. Is a passionate scorpio with a purpose number of 9 and a birth of 8. Both your birth number and purpose give you a blow by blow of what you're here to do and how what you choose to do will affect you and those around you. Let's look at Ru's purpose number. Which is the fiery and passionate number 9.

To many, we see Rupaul as an entertainer who embodies quick wit and glamour but he is much, much more than that. Ru's purpose was and is to enlighten us while using the guise of entertainment to get the world to pay attention. People who have the number 9 as their purpose number are all about spiritual growth. Ru is no different. For him drag or entertainment for that matter is more than just an art. For him it is about liberating and letting go of what we think and getting in touch with who we are and allowing our spirits and hearts to speak for us instead of our ears and heads. That's why, he keeps building and growing his brand and wants to spread the message of love of self and love in general to masses. This is what he was meant to do, this is his calling. The number 9 is driven by the planet of mars which is all about ambition, drive and acting on your gut feelings. Which is what Ru has always done and will continue to do.

When it comes to his birth number. That's another story. Ru's birth number is the number 8. Which is ruled by the ever-changing planet of Saturn. That's why when Ru is out of drag he's often, calmer, more observant and spiritually grounded. Saturn is a planet of change both inner and outer. Many people who know him have said that he's a normal joe like the rest of us and that is true. Along with the fact that he can be at times painfully shy and there are times where he has his moments real reflection and introspection. People born with the number 8 as their birth number often come across militant in their thinking but in reality they see the world not only for what it is but what's to come of it in the future. Like all of us Ru has his dark days and moments. Because of his birth number Ru can come off as begin guarded and a standoffish but that's him feeling you out. Number 8 people are also prone to many, many dark nights of the soul. For them it's not a normal case of the blues. For them it's a metamorphosis of themselves. Once out his introspective state Ru's world becomes brighter, more fulfilling. With Rupaul everything has a beginning, middle and end. Even though Rupaul's legacy and life is anything but over.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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Are you ready for drag race season 7?
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