Star Readings: Michelle Visage.

It takes two!  Radio Personality, Singer, Author and Television Personality. Michelle Visage has always been a trailblazer. From her days in the pop group seduction to her stint on the hit reality show celebrity big brother. She has never shied away from not only begin who she is but showing us who she is. Whether you love or hate her; With Michelle Visage you're in for a glamorous, divalious time. So you might as well enjoy the ride!

What Do I Pick Up For Michelle?

Touring, lots and lots of touring and press. Drag Race is coming to the UK. There's a lot of contract negotiating begin done at the moment. She misses her kids so very, very much. Especially her kids I pick up 2.  Look for Michelle to show more of her personality and write 2 more books. She's going to be doing some speaking on bullying and hate within the gay community. She and her husband deserve some much needed personal time together. Even though the space between them keeps their marriage very solid. She's taking on a more executive role as I see her working both in front and behind the camera very soon. She'll be releasing music too but not a full album just teasers here and there. She's going to increase her clothing line and there's going to be a makeup line as well. She's taking more stock into her health both mental and physical. Meditation and supplements (all natural) will do her very well as she 's prone to mood swings and her energy gets zapped easily. Take it easy, girl! She's also starting to lose much needed weight 10-20 pounds. Spiritually, she has grown so much in the past 3-4 years. Big brother was apart of that growing process. Look for her to be more raw and open with her emotions. She has been reborn in a lot of ways. There's also a huge connection to her grandmother and father. She thinks of them often or they pop in her head a great deal. Michelle Visage shows no signs of giving up or slowing down.


Numerology Profile: Michelle Visage.

 Earthy, sweet, feisty and nurturing. That is Michelle Visage in a nutshell. Born Michelle Lynn Shupack. September 20th, 1968. Michelle Visage was destined to be the ultimate mother. Why do you ask? Because it's all in the numbers. First, let's take a look at her purpose number. Which is the number 4. Like another earthy mother TS Madison. The number 4 belongs to the planet of Uranus. People who have this number as their purpose number usually look at everything from every angle. With Michelle you have a woman who will let you into her house but only if you come correct and you allow her into your life. She doesn't suffer fools and will sweetly but firmly tell you so. Number 4 people tend to be what many would term “old souls” as they're very wise and possess a spiritual nature that sometimes scares even them. Number 4 people believe in thinking before they act. Which is why when we see or hear Michelle says what she thinks but not before she's thought it through carefully. When comes to careers, number 4 people often make great teachers, lawyers and accountants. If you ever watch drag race keep in mind that for Michelle she isn't judging she's teaching. She's teaching them to look within and pull out that raw, pure talent that has always been there. That's why to some she comes off as harsh but to her it's not harsh it's real and practical. Michelle's  purpose is for everyone to see that everyone is a diva but only if they choose to be.

When it comes to her birth number. Which is the number of rebirth; the number 8. Michelle is always trying to find ways to push herself to do, know and be better. Number 8 people are big believers of change. Both inside and out. Michelle is definitely that way but she focuses a lot of that change on herself. The Michelle we see on the television screen and the Michelle when the cameras are off are the same. That's why during her stint on CBB (Celebrity Big Brother) she was so likable, loved or as some called her a mean girl. People who are born with the number 8 as their birth number tend to be very controlled when it comes to themselves even though at times they can be very aggressive and persistent when it comes to something they want or their dreams. Michelle believes that hard work and whatever doesn't kill you can either heal you or help you. She believes if you're not wanting it with all of your soul then don't go after it. Michelle Visage is a woman of strength, of courage and of inspiration. That is why she's everyone's mama and for her that suits her just fine.

Love, Leo Brown :)
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