Star Readings: Kris Jenner.

A woman in love, a woman in transition, a woman who knows what she wants. The ultimate branding machine. Whether you love her or hate her. Kris Jenner isn't going anywhere. In fact, she's just getting started!

What do I pick up for Kris Jenner?

Emotional transition. Kris is reevaluating her life in every way. She's letting go of the past and starting fresh. Even though begin in the public eye doesn't always help. Her separation from Bruce Jenner hurt a lot more than we realize or know; and it's not done. They're both still in talks regarding how to split up their personal ties and trying to remain friends. Even though I do pick up a pre-nup in their marriage. So no worries there. In regards to her new guy. Will it last? Yes and no. It will last long enough for her to heal but there will not be a marriage for these two. She's been there and done that.
Contrary to popular belief, this guy isn't using her. In fact, he's allowing her to finally be who she really is. Her marriage to Bruce was suffocating at times.

Not saying that bruce was a bad guy; but as time passed  they grew apart. She worries about her kids constantly. Especially her son Rob, she only wants what's best for him and for him to be happy; but at the same time she wants him to gain control of his life and grow up. She knows he's got it in him. As of now, she's just waiting in the wings. For now, her focus is her daughters and herself. I pick up more cookbooks, a memoir and a line of skin care and bedding products. When it comes her as a mother, she's very hands on but not controlling. She allows her daughters to do as they please but within reason; Mama Kris always has the final say.

Does she like Kayne? It took her some getting used to him but yes, she does like him. She's learning that they really aren't that different and they've become good friends not bffs, but good friends. There's a great level of respect from both of them.


Numerology Profile: Kris Jenner.

Kristen “Kris” Mary  Houghton born November 5th 1955.  Is a passionate person in every sense of the word. She has a scorpio sun sign and two polarizing life path and birth numbers. With her begin the public eye, she's right where she belongs.  For starters, Kris has the life path number 3. Your life path number aka your name number tells you what you're born to do. The number 3 as we know is the entertainers number. She's in good company (Tamar Braxton, Jasmine Guy and most recently Bill Cosby.) We all know that with number 3 people to expect to be charmed and have great conversations. In Kris' case you'll not only get that but you'll also get someone who knows not only what to say but how to say it. That's why when it comes to her branding herself and her family; she's always one step ahead. Number 3 people make great communicators because the number 3 is associated with the planet Jupiter. This planet deals with luck, money and business. So for Kris' she was meant to be in the drivers seat of business.  Like everything and everyone there is a dark side to her. Kris' is someone you don't want to cross when it comes to either her kids or her brand. Especially, if it's not the truth. With her begin a scorpio, she'll only trust you until you hurt her; but once that trust has been broken or she feels that she's been mistreated, watch out! Number 3 people are also very ambitious and driven to outsiders they're often labeled control freaks. When it comes to her personality, this is where her birth number comes into the mix. Your birth number tells you about your personality from the inside out and the lessons you're going to learn.

Kris' birth number is the fiery number 9. This means that underneath her business savvy is a woman who is driven by her instincts. The number 9 is ruled by the planet of mars. So in Kris' case she's a diva with a capital D and at times demands respect. It also doesn't hurt that at times she's had to think like a man to get ahead. When it comes to things like love and family; they mean everything to her. She loves with her all; and believes that everyone should do the same. She takes relationships very seriously. Even though once she's passionate about something, she tends to go overboard.  She's very protective of her kids and those that she truly cares about. Just don't get on her nerves or take her for granted. No matter what you think of her or what happens, Kris Jenner is going to be just fine.

What do you think?
What does the future hold for Kris?
Who should be the next star reading?

Leave your comments below.
Love, Leo Brown :)


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