Star Readings: Deon Cole.

Comedy's breakout star! Deon Cole is just getting started! In addition to his supporting role on the hit ABC show black-ish. Deon is also an accomplished writer and comic. For many of us, we're just getting to know the hot guy from the chi. However, for his true fans Deon has always taken no prisoners and shows no signs of slowing down.

What do I pick up for Deon Cole?

Writing and more writing. Look for Deon to write 5 episodes of Black-ish. His character is going to have a bigger role next season as well. As for his health, look for him to become more muscular and he's really watching what he drinks. He's had issues with his kidneys or bladder in the past. He's worried about family, especially his mother, sister and aunts. Go visit them more sir and he may have one of them live with him. As for personal life there is someone in his life that he's been off and on with. She's very ride or die but life has taken them in different paths. Look for him to make it official that he's off the market in the next 2 years.

What do the numbers tells us about comedy's breakout star?

Numerology Profile: Deon Cole.

Deon Cole is a triple threat! No, not that type of triple threat even though I wouldn't put it past him having a knack for singing or great dancing ability. When I say triple threat I mean in terms of his purpose number, birth number and sun sign. Let's take a look at his purpose number first. Your purpose number is the number that tells you all about yourself. In Deon's case, his purpose number is the number 1. Number 1 people stand out without even trying! I guess you could say that it's Deon's purpose to be in front of the camera and on stage making us laugh. People with the number 1 as there purpose number also make great actors, business executives (Deon has his own production company) and writers. It's no mistake that Deon is in the entertainment industry. He didn't choose it, it chose him. Number 1 people also stand out because of their bright personalities. The number 1 is ruled by the life giving planet known as the sun. So that may have a little something to do with it. That's the reason many of us look at Deon as “our big brother” or “that friend in our head.” Number 1 people are born with a lot of luck on their side. However, the lucky breaks that number 1 people get come easy. It just looks easy.

Deon's birth number and sun sign are polar opposites. Deon's birth number is the emotional, intuitive number 2. While his sun sign is the earthy, ever fertile sign of Capricorn. He shares the same birth number as Diana Ross and former louisana governor Ray Nagin. Now this may sound like a odd combination but actually, it works in his favor. With Deon having the number 2 as his birth number; it helps him to stay aware and emotionally awake. Underneath his “funny” lies a man who feels everything. It also tells us that Deon is very observant and goes with his gut. Number 2 people are known for begin very psychic. Deon is too but he's more clairvoyant and an empath. Which makes his brand of comedy so fresh. Number 2 people can be very attached to family and where they come from. With Deon, chicago is not only his home but apart of his heart. As the saying goes: You can take the boy of the chi but you can't take the chi out of the boy. Of course, like all of us, Deon has his demons.

With his birth number begin the number 2. Deon is prone to depression, drinking, moodiness and weight gain. Number 2 people tend to wear their emotions like an old coat. As they tend to look back and reflect on their life a great deal. Deon does this at times, but he has learned to take his pain and use it as a tool to heal himself instead of hurt himself. Lucky for him, his sun sign of capricorn keeps him grounded while pushing him to grow. Especially, when it comes to career, family and money. Deon is at a place in life where if it's not stable, it's not begin done. The path that Deon is on has been anything but easy. He knows it and soon we will too. Deon Cole is just getting started and will be around both in front the camera or behind the scenes for many years to come.

Love, Leo Brown :)
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