Star Readings: TS Madison.
Is it on? Cause, I never seem to know. That statement is said by The Gawdess herself TS madison for a reason. When she asks that question, she's not just talking about the record button on the camera but the pulse of the world itself. Do we not feel and realize that this world is changing? Are we prepared to grow and come out of our self imposed comfort zones? Those are the questions that she is really asking us to ask ourselves.
Contrary to her sometimes brash and bawdy personality. Madison is actually more of an Mother Earth type of person. Meaning, that if you need nurturing and teaching. Call upon her but be wary as she is very selective of whom she takes into her wing and like the very earth we stand on, if you're good to mama, mama's good to you. Madison has the life path number of 4. This number is associated with the planet Uranus. This planet is the planet of personal freedom and radical thinking. That's why when she came on the scene it was like a supernova! Trust me, she's just getting started.
People who have the number 4 as their life path number tend to be old souls but also out of the box thinkers. Madison is not exception. She knows that she's been on this plane more than once and feels that she not has something to say but something to teach everyone who listens to her. Madison is a very practical no nonsense type of woman. Either you do what you say, say what you mean and mean or you can kick rocks with no socks.
One of the reason's she's chosen music to help spread her message is not only because she has a great voice but because on a deep internal level Ms. Madison knows that music that touches the soul and teaches you real life lessons stays with you forever. Also Madison tries to see every side of everything as long as it makes common sense. She'd make a great attorney or accountant as number 4 people are good with balancing things out. Her begin a libra doesn't hurt either. The one thing that Madison wants to show and continues to show this world. Even though it can be very close minded place at times. Is that people who are like her or fight along side her at not crazy, stupid or perverted. That in fact, people like her are very grounded in who they are and that if you look closely they're not that different from you after all.
Madison's birth number is the forceful all shining number 1. People with the number one as their birth number are driven, ambitious and are very, very business oriented. She does not play when it comes to not only her brand but every aspect with the way it's presented. (Photo shoots, makeup, clothing you name it, if we see it best believe that Ms. Madison has final say.)
The number one is associated with the sun. That's why Madison's personality is so big and bold. Number one people tend to also be very creative and will stop at nothing to get to what they believe is their finish line. She didn't mean to become an activist it's just something that is inside of her. If something looks like bullshit to Madison then she'll call what it is Bullshit. Also she's not a demanding diva she just a diva that knows who she is and what she wants.
What's next for Ms. Madison or some close to her call her “Mama Maddie” ? I pick a series of books. One begin a memoir, another begin a how to book and possibly a cookbook. There's going to be more music, three more albums possibly. There may be a sitcom in the works and more touring. Even though I would caution her to watch her stress levels and sleeping habits. (blood pressure as well) Also, I pick up either her begin concerned about her family or those close to her, Mainly her mom. Don't worry Ms. Madison you'll be with her soon. Either way honey, TS Madison is here to reign and to stay.
Love, Leo Brown :)
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