Star Readings: Bill Cosby.

Bill Cosby is in serious trouble; and isn't going away anytime soon. If you've been living under a rock, as of now, there have been 17 different women that have come forward accusing The cos' of sexual assault.

What do I pick up for Mr. Cosby? 

There will be more women coming for him in defense and accusing him of sexual misconduct.(at least 25) I pick up that at least 6 of the statements made by some of these women may turn out to be true. Will he go to jail? No, I don't think so. Even though I do pick up that his career is going to go through a very rocky period. More than it is now. There's a lot of money that he either is going to have payback to people or he is going lose money. There may be a possible bankruptcy.  I pick up checks/contracts around him as well. Meaning that a lot of this has the smell of tainted money and payoffs written all over it. I truly hope that not only does he grow from this but that we learn that money and power and the “masks” that we all wear can only last for so long and only go so far.  When it comes to Mr. Cosby and how this effects him from a numerological point of view. The affects are astounding!


Numerology Profile: Bill Cosby.

William “Bill” Henry Cosby Jr. Born July 12th 1937. Hits us with a double whammy when it comes to his numerology forecast. Mr. Cosby has the sun sign of Cancer aka "The double life" sign. Cancers are known for their hard shells outside but, soft insides; Which is why to some, they can seem secretive or as if they live a double life. Mr. Cosby's life path number (the number that tells you what you're destined to become) is the entertainer's number. The number 3. People who have the number 3 as their life path number make the best entertainers, writers and are often very witty. Number 3 people have a comeback for everything.

 People who have the 3 life path number in personality are very charming and charismatic. That is why for many year's we all loved Mr. Cosby and to some we even look at him as the “father in our heads.”

However, with everyone there is a dark side. Mr. Cosby is no exception.  Not only does Mr. Cosby have a life path number of 3 but a birth number of 3 as well. Your birth number tells you about your emotional self and personality.

 It's no wonder that his once golden status is suddenly starting to tarnish. People born with the number 3 can at times become so focused on pleasure that nothing else can matter. Which can lead to them becoming very superficial and ambitious to the point of begin very cut throat...while on the outside they use their wit and charm to carry them through.

In Mr. Cosby’s case he's begin very smart right now. Which is why he's allowing his lawyers to do the talking (using wit has a lot to do with law.) He also knows deep down that somewhere, and with someone that he was careless and wrong.  Especially the first two accusers.

Number 3 people tend to do this when it comes to people's feelings. They can't see past their own wants and needs.

 Coupled with his sun sign in cancer. All of the secrets that he has kept closely guarded regarding his personal persona are starting to make their way to surface. This is only the beginning. Regarding his birth number which is also three. He was destined to be either a writer or teacher. Him becoming a comic was quite an accident but with all comics.  Mr. Cosby has used his comedy as a way of masking his pain. There's a lot of emotional stuff going within him at the moment. Like with all masks that many of us tend to wear. It can start to suffocate us and we become victims of our own natures. This issue with Bill Cosby is telling and teaching us that the longer we wear masks and put on our faces. The harder it is when they fall. I sincerely hope that each person effected in this situation in any way. Gets both the help and healing that they need.

Love, Leo Brown :)

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