What Mercury Retrograde Has Taught Me...Thus Far.
Today is October 25th. The last day of mercury retrograde. For many of us, we're either breathing sighs of relief or crying tears of joy. For those of you who don't know, mercury retrograde is a time when everything having to do with communication goes a little to the left. It lasts for a period of three weeks.
You say things you don't mean, misread things and blow them out of proportion. For those of us who are in business, you might've found things slowing down or you overbooking your appointments. (Mercury also rules business and money.) When it comes to relationships whether your single, seeing someone, dating or in a long term relationship. Believe it or not, mercury retrograde does come into play.
If you found yourself or the person of your heart questioning not just the relationship but the roles that you play and the direction of it, mercury might've had something to do with this. Now, before you declare yourself single and start buying lots and lots of cats, selling your business, or become a mute. Stop, breathe and think.
Before you panic, here's something that you might not of crossed your mind. Sure, mercury retrograde effects those things but mercury retrograde also helps you to learn and grow. Before he was deemed a great messenger mercury was/is a great teacher. That's right, mercury will either trip you up or kick your ass (in my case) to teach you a very valuable lesson. Here's a few lessons that Mr.Mercury has/is taught/teaching yours truly.
You say things you don't mean, misread things and blow them out of proportion. For those of us who are in business, you might've found things slowing down or you overbooking your appointments. (Mercury also rules business and money.) When it comes to relationships whether your single, seeing someone, dating or in a long term relationship. Believe it or not, mercury retrograde does come into play.
If you found yourself or the person of your heart questioning not just the relationship but the roles that you play and the direction of it, mercury might've had something to do with this. Now, before you declare yourself single and start buying lots and lots of cats, selling your business, or become a mute. Stop, breathe and think.
Before you panic, here's something that you might not of crossed your mind. Sure, mercury retrograde effects those things but mercury retrograde also helps you to learn and grow. Before he was deemed a great messenger mercury was/is a great teacher. That's right, mercury will either trip you up or kick your ass (in my case) to teach you a very valuable lesson. Here's a few lessons that Mr.Mercury has/is taught/teaching yours truly.
- Travel: I recently went out of town during the peak of mercury retrograde. Let me tell you, it was a learning experience. Even though I double checked my travel schedule and made sure I was on time. Things didn't go as planned. The routes to where my destination were, were either late, too early or in some cases I was too early! The one lesson I learned from this was: It never hurts to be prepared but, sometimes there's a such thing as begin too prepared.
- Business: On my recent trip, I made a personal vow not to work at all. At first, I thought I would go crazy. I'll admit it I'm a workaholic. So the thought of not checking my phone or emails kind of freaked me out. The lesson I learned was this experience was: It's totally okay to disconnect from the mundane and open your heart and mind to a new, fresh connection and relax.
- Love: I'm in the process for the first time, of letting someone into my life and heart. Is it scary? Hell, yeah it is! but at the same time it's renewing and re-affirming how far I've come in loving myself but allowing someone else to love me to give them and myself a fair chance. The lesson that I'm continuing to learn from this experience is: Love takes time to grow, nurture and to take shape. Also, fear is okay. That's right, it's okay to come into new relationship kinda scared As long you both don't stay in the scared trap and together you find out why/what your fears are and work through them in time and you'll be fine.
- Communication: This is a big one. Often during this time you'll say things you don't mean or you may find yourself begin hot tempered for no reason at all. Or you may find yourself begin pulled into things that really aren't your business. I found myself going through this a lot during mercury retrograde. Also, you may find yourself mis-reading things only to find out it was nothing major. The lesson I've learned from this is: It's the little things that matter, if your name isn't in it don't fight the battle, think before you speak and if you have something to say, pick up the phone or see them and say what you feel with kindness and truth.
Well, that's just some of the life lessons mercury is/has taught me thus far. What about you? What has this retrograde taught you?
Love, Leo Brown :)
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