Star Readings:Jasmine Guy.
Born March 10th,1962. Is a singer, dancer,actress,writer and producer. Ms Guy has a name number of three, the sun sign of pisces and the birth number of four. Ms Guy was destined to be a diva and to stand out. Which is why after twenty five plus years, she is not only remembered but loved by so many. We all remember her as the southern belle with heart Whitley Gilbert on the series a different world. Ms.Guy is so much more than what we know of her onscreen. Jasmine has the name number of three. The number three is associated with the planet Jupiter. The number three is the number of self expression, versatility and talent. No wonder Jasmine is what people in the entertainment world call, a triple threat. From her name number alone. She was meant to entertain us. It is a birthright as she had no choice! With Ms.Guy bearing the number three as her name number her personality is charming but very witty. When you're around her be prepared to have fun but also to think. She is also very ambitious when it comes to something or someone that she wants. She rules with her mind, with her heart tying in at a close second. People who have the number three as their name number make great writers, speakers and entertainers. (Ms.Guy is a writer and speaker.) When it comes to her birth number. Jasmine is born under the number four. People with the number four as their birth number are known as "the old souls" of numerology because they're usually ahead of their time. Ms.Guy is a very down to earth but practical woman. The older she gets, the more grounded in herself she becomes. People with the number four as their birth number sometimes have health issues with their mental or nervous system (Remember, that pesky lupus rumor.) Not to worry, Ms.Guy's mind is as sharp as ever. Even though she writes down damn near everything as she tends to sometimes forget things. She may be working on a series of books ( I pick up three) I also pick up her work in human trafficking getting bigger. More protesting, marching and speaking. (Human trafficking is a big passion for her.) When it comes to love, family and spiritually. Her daughter is not only her top priority but her rock. She misses both her parents terribly but especially her mother. Family is more than blood to her and to her your word is your bond. When it comes to love, Jasmine is looking for a soul/spirit connection. Although she does have some issues with trusting her own choices. Spiritually is something that is very important to her as it keeps her grounded. Along with clean eating, yoga and meditation. She comes from a line of speakers and minsters. At the tender age of 52. This diva shows no signs of slowing down. Two to four plays are in the works, more writing and speaking engagements,tours and one to two movies are coming in. Trust me, Ms.Jasmine Guy is just getting started.
Love, Leo Brown :)
P.S. If she releases music again it'll be through an independent label.
Love, Leo Brown :)
P.S. If she releases music again it'll be through an independent label.
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