Star Readings: Trina Braxton and Gabe Solis.

Now, this star reading is interesting because Trina Braxton and Gabe Solis are complete opposites in some ways but in others they work well together. Hence their collaboration on their business bar chix. Gabe has a life path number of five. Five people desire constant change and are bored easily. (His cheating was because of boredom and more of a thrill than anything.) Also people who have five as their life path number like Gabe tend to be scared to take risks and are anxious at times when it comes to the future. Gabe is a thinker so believe me, he's replayed the often reckless things he's done during his marriage to Trina at least a half a dozen times in his head.

Which is why now it appears that he's made a change of heart and wants to work on their relationship. Also, he's afraid of losing her. I couldn't find Gabe's birth date which was quite a bummer to say the least. With Gabe having the number five as his life path number. The thought of begin tied to someone's desk to make money doesn't appeal to him. Which is why he works for himself. When it comes to Trina, her life path number is eight. The number is associated with the planet of saturn. Which is a planet of rebirth. Which explains her weight loss, re-branding of her business,singing career and her giving Gabe another shot. People born with the number eight as their life number. Believe in justice and karma. Trina is no exception. She also is a believer in karma and very spiritual. Trina is the worker bee of the family even though her “image” says otherwise.

She is also very intuitive because of her birth number. She was born with the birth number of nine. Some that are close to her may say that she was “born with a veil over her eyes.” Even though she doesn't like to talk about it. Having nine as her birth number, it's associated with the planet of Mars. Trina is a force not to be played with! At times her emotions can get the best of her, especially when it comes to love. (Which is why she still puts Gabe through the ringer) Now, when it comes to her family she tries to see every side of every disagreement. If you ever wanted some real sisterly advice, she's the one you'd want to talk to. As far as what the future holds for these two. I pick up more business ventures at least two more. (remember, the clothing boutique?)

When it comes to her music, she like her sisters is a perfectionist. I also pick up that she's still finding “her sound” trust me, when she hears it, so will we. As for Gabe, he's growing too but on a more internal level. I see him standing up for himself more and taking responsibility for his past issues. He also may get into writing. Not like songs or books but personal writing. Despite him begin on camera, he's more of a private, behind the scenes kind of guy.

Love, Leo Brown :)
What do think? Do Trina and Gabe have a chance? Who should be the next star reading? Leave your comments.


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