Star Readings: Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino.

Born July. 4th 1982. Mr. Sorrentino was born to be a character with a heart of gold and a very, very sharp mind. Even though his persona doesn't show his almost at times business like demeanor. With the number five as his name number. Michael believes in begin his true and original self. With him what you see is what you get. He also at times can be a bit self-indulgent which at times has gotten him into a lot of trouble. Hence, his tax issues. People who may have the number five as their name number tend to desire freedom and expansion. They believe in taking risks and that it's important to stand up for what you believe in and be who you are. Mr. Sorrentino is no exception. Anything that allows him to go against the status quo while at the same time he can be himself suits him best. Now, on the flip side of the coin many people who have the number five as their name number tend to have issues with commitment, they can feel restless at times and often be very fickle. When something doesn't go their way. The number five is associated with the planet mercury. Mike's birth number is the number four. As I've said before the number four is associated with people who feel as if they are old souls. Like this isn't their first time on the rodeo. When it comes to Micheal he has his moments when he does feel out of place. (mild depression) and he tries to keep himself grounded by begin around real people (family and true friends) The reason fitness is important to his is because it's almost like therapy for him. It keeps him grounded and stops the chatter in his head. What I pick up for him is him going more into the world of business. Chains, more juices and shakes. Think as if gold's gym had a new jersey makeover. As for his tax issues, he may go to jail but I pick up a bargain begin presented and possibly made. As I see contracts around him. Only time will tell.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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