Social Networking Sale!!

Calling all Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers!! If you like me on facebook, follow me on twitter or instagram. You're entitled to ALL readings with me at a entire dollar off! This sale starts now until October 11th! The prices will be as follows :Ten min reading $20.00 Fifteen min reading $30.00, Twenty min reading :$40.00, 30 min reading $60.00,45 min reading $90.00, One hour reading $120.00 and Two hour reading $240.00. This is for all readings! E-mail, Phone Skype you name it! All you have to do is like my facebook fan page, follow me on twitter or instagram and pick a reading that fits your choice and budget. Remember this sale only lasts until Oct 11th! So act now! To arrange a reading with me email me at or call (734) 252-6180. Even if you're not on social media this sale is for you.

Love, Leo Brown 
Follow me on twitter @therealleobrown
Follow me on instagram @therealleobrown
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