Decoding the Myth:Oujia Boards

Oujia boards also known as talking boards or spirit boards have been used as a method of communicating with the spirit world dating back as early as 600 B.C.E. in both china and greece. A talking board consists of a flat board with the letters of alphabet, numbers, the words "yes"/"no" and sometimes the words "hello" and"goodbye"written on it. Along with a planchette. Contrary to popular belief. There is nothing bad or evil about using the board itself. For it is a tool of divination just like cards, numerology or automatic writing. However, just like any form of divining it is NOT a game! I repeat, it is not a game. Regardless what parker brothers may tell you. It is to be taken seriously and treated with respect. Like all things. You have to remember you are communicating with the spirit world and yes, some spirits will try you. Another thing to make note of is the saying "Like attracts like." if you and your friends are mean people. Then don't be surprised when things start to go "bump in the night." However, if you and your friends are aware that spirit communication is a serious but fun thing and not a game. Then you should be fine. If you choose to work with a talking board. Here are a few important things to remember. Make sure the people as well as yourself are of an open like mind and heart. Ground your energies (sing or chant a song that promotes good vibes) or you can visualize white light around you and the area you choose to work in. Make the area pleasant and lighthearted. Light candles, sage your area. Think of it as if you're inviting friends over so as my grandma would say "straighten up for company." Be respectful of the spirits and to them, don't go into this with fear and NEVER consultant the board alone or in your own home. Remember, the spirits have messages that can both help and can heal. If you allow them to.

Love, Leo Brown :)
P.S. If things get nutty while working with the board, don't call me. :)


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