Tarot Card Tuesday: Nine of Cups.

The Nine of Cups.
 This card has to do with everything emotional. The number is associated with fiery planet of mars. So in this case this card tells us that it's okay to go with what we feel. When it comes to love and relationships you may yourself or your partner either at odds emotionally or in total harmony.

The term "In your feelings certainly applies with this card. Issues regarding trust may be at forefront today. Watch out for emotional ups and downs and most of all listen to your heart.

When it comes to career, money and business. This card speaks of growth and finally finding the job you love or in some cases feeling drawn to wanting to make this planet a better place.

Volunteering your time and giving heartfelt advice may come in handy today. This card is also know as the wish card.

For it tells us that we've made the right choices and that spirit is at work making our dreams come true. On the other hand it also warns to be careful what we wish for because we just might get it.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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