Star Readings: Phyllis Hyman.

Skip all the pleasant shit,get to the point! (In Ms.Hyman's voice.) Contrary to popular belief Ms. Hyman did not end her life over a man. (I KNEW what I wanted to do) 

I'm hearing as I write this. She was open-hearted almost to a fault. She was also one who trusted too easily but also guarded. 

She still checks in on her family and friends from time to time. Her third sister especially. Before she passed she was slowly pulling herself out of debt. 

Even though her estate still is in debt. One of the reasons she became so depressed was because there was too much stock going into trends. (I couldn't compete with the young girls and I didn't want to.) 

There were risks she wanted to take in the industry when it came to her music three years before her passing. Writing, producing. (I wanted to do everything, I wanted complete control) (Dance,a full on Jazz album and a duet record with Nancy Wilson was in the works,) 

Phyllis now just wants to remembered but left alone. (I'm very happy where I am.) Handle the other shit on your own.) 

So with that I say to you Ms. Hyman thanks for your music and memories and may your spirit truly be at peace.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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