Stop Comparing and Start Doing! a.k.a Single and Fabulous!

Single: For many of us (not all) this word brings the feeling of begin alone or left behind. Having to be on the same playing field as our friends or other counterparts. Why? I believe this for two reasons:

1. Society- Believe it or not society plays a HUGE role on the way we think, look or even believe in ourselves. Sad but very, very true.

2. Comparing- From the age of puberty and  beyond we start comparing our experience to other's experiences. Now, this can be a double edged sword for many of us. Because on one hand sometimes comparing our experience to someone can motivate and for some inspire us to regroup and refocus on the goals we want to see to completion. The bad thing about this is that when we start comparing our life experience to someone else, we start to limit our potential.

Well, today I say that it is high time we stop comparing and start doing! We are single and fabulous!  My two best friends along with a handful of others are either married, getting married, having kids, have kids and buying homes.

Now, that's great for them right? Of course it is. The keyword here is for them. What works or is meant to happen for someone else happens for that party or group for a reason. Just because it works for them doesn't mean it works for you. Now, before you come for me, I'm not saying that you'll never find that mate or achieve that goal. I'm saying that timing is key.

My best friend said to me that they felt bad for me because I had to play catch up. I will admit that as of late, I've been feeling that way. It's okay to be in your feelings for a minute or two as long as you don't take up residency in it.

Once you stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop comparing your life to another person's. You'll find that the things you need and want are not hard to attain and that more than anything you are in control of your own destiny.

Every person on this vast planet has their own long, winding path to walk. In the words of the immortal actress Anjelica Huston."No man or woman can live another's fate" We all have our own experiences and adventures to live in our own way and on our time and terms.  I've realized that yes, I am single but I am also fabulous! Always have been, always will be.

I've also come to the realization that a man, kids, a home in the burbs', with two cats and a mini van may not be for a bitch like me. Not to say that I don't want it but it suits me just fine if it doesn't happen the way I'd like it to or at all. Besides, If I became a househusband I'd either be in jail for murdering my hubby for his insurance money or I'd be fucking all his friends, the gardener and I'd be a very, very hopeless and bitter alcoholic.

Just because you're not making millions now doesn't mean you won't in the future. Remember, this is your life not a dress rehearsal! If you know what you want, go for it! It doesn't matter what it is. Just do it in your own way, not someone else's. Will this be easy? Um, no but it's worth it because you're walking down your own path.

I've stopped comparing and started to do me. How bout' you?

Love, Leo Brown :)


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