Making a connection:The key to finding love.

Good Afternoon Cubbers Happy Monday! Last night as I was watching Oprah Winfrey interview Tina Turner I had a lot of "light bulb moments" especially when her husband came into the interview and he said that he saw/sees tina as just tina. It didn't matter that she was older, black, white none of that mattered to him. He said that he looked at their connection. Which made me realize that when it comes to love or relationships we often become entranced with the idea of "love" You know, what I'm talking about don't you? The romance, the sweet nothing's, the sex, the "we have everything in common phase." Instead of looking or holding on to that, how about trying to actually connect with someone? When you look for a connection and you find it, the list of requirements fall into the background. It doesn't matter if you're short or that he's not rich. What matters is that you both have found each other and your both willing, ready and able to make a path of commitment together. Will you have your ups and downs? Of course you will, but that's apart of the journey. So instead of looking for love in all the wrong places and faces. Try making a connection.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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