Looking in the mirror: codependent relationships

Good Morning Cubbers Happy Sunday! Here's something that this past weekend has taught me. Codependency on any level is not, I repeat not healthy. It is not your job to "fix" your partner. The only person you can "fix" or as I like to say, repair is yourself. If you're in a relationship (this even includes friendships) where you're doing ALL the work and you're thinking "I can fix them or they'll change" I've got news for you: You're fooling yourself. Instead of focusing on your partners, look in the mirror. That's right, look in the mirror, do the work to and start to repair yourself. Figure out why you attract these codependent relationships. Where does the root of it stem from? Is it loneliness? Low self esteem? Whatever it is, remember this: You are a queen/king and you deserve to rule your kingdom. Now get to work and sit on your throne and rule with all of YOUR power!

Love, Leo Brown :)


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