Are you going with the flow?

Hey Cubbers Happy Tuesday! Yesterday was my first canoe trip and it was a life changing experience. As I got into the canoe I started to panic. Soon I started to relax and it wasn't after the trip ended that I realized that the way I lived my life was a lot like how I was in while I was in the boat. Full of panic whenever the waters became choppy, if we hit a rock or if the boat changed direction. For many, many years I feared the thought of things changing in my life. I now am starting to see that it is time for me to go with the flow of life. Yes, waters do become choppy but all we need to do is relax and allow change to happen in over lives. Yes, we can be fearful but fear can and does hold us down only if we allow it to. It is up to us to go with the flow of our lives and emotions for change is always around the corner and sometimes is needed in our lives for us to see that no matter how rocky the boat becomes we're going to be okay. Are you embracing change? Going with the flow?

Love, Leo Brown :)


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