Are you dating a king or a fool?

Dating sucks or does it? What many of us don't understand or learn until much later in life is that the we allow people to treat us the way we should be treated. This lesson has reared it's head a lot in my life especially when it comes to dating and relationships. I found myself asking countless times, am I dating a king or a fool?

Now, many of you may be asking what's the difference between the two? How do I know if I'm dating one? Well, I'm here to help. Hopefully by reading this, you'll seek someone who is fit to sit with you on your throne.

The Fool:

Ah, the fool. full of life, energy, possibility and wide-eyed wonder. What's wrong with this picture you ask? Nothing if you enjoy spontaneity which you'll get plenty of at the start of things. Now, at the start of things I say enjoy it. Have fun with it. However, if you're looking for something long-term you might wanna move on from the fool.

Signs you're dating a fool

Talk that talk: Ever meet someone and within five minutes or at the most two weeks and they're saying how they want to marry you?, you're their "soulmate", they miss you or the ultimate "I love you?"  Now, I'm not saying that instant chemistry doesn't happen. It can and often does. In cases such as this though, the fool is telling you what you both know you hope to have someday and what you want to hear. The reason this sometimes works is because we may be lonely, wanting companionship or we're allowing what's in between our thighs, not what in our heads to rule. If you ever encounter this simply smile, nod and slowly back away

The fool never makes plans: It's the weekend. You and the fool have been conversing pretty regularly and it's been full of fun and folly. Now, it's either time to meet in person or you've met in person but now instead of staying in and making it a blockbuster night. You've decide you're going to dine out. You've cleared your calendar, picked out the perfect outfit and are all set. Everything is great, except for one tiny thing. The fool is not here! Not a phone call,  no text, nothing.The fool makes no plans and if they do they have no intention of keeping them.

You're an option not a priority: In the world of the fool everyone comes before you. The dog, cat, mama, daddy, his bff tamika. It doesn't matter. With the fool there's always something more important than you. Their friends, their work, their whatever.They don't find time to fit you into the fabric of their life.  Even though the fool is stroking your ego along with other things. This person is never around, only a handful of people have met them and even though you may wear the "boyfriend/girlfriend" label you are alone. You are an option! Nothing more, nothing less. When this happens, like we did with big hair in the 80's let it go and cut it off.

When commitment comes to play the fool runs away: Now, perhaps you and the fool have talked about the possibility of marriage maybe even kids.You'll start to notice that when you talk about the future, the fool either cringes, talks a lot of smack or they run away completely. Even though they're not voicing it. The thought of bringing the future into reality fucks their shit up for one reason. They have to grow up! When you're dating the fool, you're dating a boy/girl child. Not an adult. Remember that.

The fool hears but with small ears: The fool listens to you but doesn't hear you. Believe it or not there is a big difference. With the fool, it's like training a very bad dog. You constantly find yourself having to sit down and have a "heart to heart" with them thinking it will somehow click in their head and they'll get it. If they don't hear you what makes you think they're listening to you?

These are just some signs to watch for. If you're dating a fool, have fun with it but tread wisely.

The King: Royal, respectful, confident and powerful. The king knows without a doubt who they are. They don't need someone in their life, they want them in their life. The king also knows their faults and flaws but they're willing to work on them. With a king they're seeking a partner not, a playmate.

Signs you're dating a king

Playtime is over: The king says what they mean and means what they say. The mental games you'd expect are over and done with the king. Either shit or get off the pot. The king carries themselves with class and maturity.

You're a priority not a option: With the king you fit perfectly along with everything else in their life. In fact, you enhance their life. With the king, you'll get to spend time with them, meet their friends and they put you first. You're a priority not an option!

The magic word is "teamwork": With the king they believe in give and take. If you spoil and pamper them,  you'll receive the same if not better treatment. In the king's mind it takes two to make a thing go right.

Love, need and want you: Just as you honor your king. Your king honors you. To them it doesn't matter if you don't look glamorous all the time but when you do they notice. They love you for all that you are and even the things you are not. For them you're that perfect piece of the puzzle. They love,need and want you.

Let's make love: When it comes to intimacy no one knows it like the king. The king doesn't just want your body, they desire you ,all of you. They want to hear your fears, dreams, nightmares because like you, they've searched for someone too.

I listen, I hear, I understand: Not only can the king carry on a stimulating conversation but when you talk. They listen with true intention. They also understand or try to get to the core of who you are. With your king you should have no reason to hold your tongue.

These are just some signs you're dating a king. If you are with a king cherish them and help them rule the kingdom with grace, class and style. Remember, you deserve only the best. If you set boundaries and keep your heart open you'll rule your kingdom perfectly.

Love, Leo Brown :)


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