Starting Over: One on One with La Toya Jackson

Starting Over: One on One with La Toya Jackson

This is my one on one phone interview that was suppose to be done for blog talk radio with Ms. Jackson, we spoke for only six minutes due to technical difficulties and time constrains. She was so gregarious and forthcoming with every question I asked. I truly thank her and Jeffre Phillips for this opportunity. 

Leo Brown: Hello Ms. Jackson, How are you?

La Toya: I’m wonderful how are you?

Leo: I’m great, thank you.

Leo: So Let’s get right into it because I know we have limited time and I‘m so sorry about that. First of all, I love the book. It felt like you were sitting there speaking with me about the past 20 years of you’re life.

La Toya : Why, Thank You, that's very kind. You know, it was written with my business partner Jeffre Phillips and he told me La Toya, write the way you speak, which is what I did.

Leo: You did a great a job. What was writing the book like for you? Was it emotional or a cathartic experience for you?

La  Toya: It was a cathartic experience for me. At first it was very emotional experience for me just to even talk about it. I started to get approached by so many women after I had spoken out about it on a few TV shows and that’s when I decided to write the book. I've been writing this  since 2008.

Leo: It’s very inspirational and motivational speaking of that, would you ever do a lecture series based on the book and you’re life experiences?

La Toya: I’ve been asked to do that and if it’s about empowering and helping women see that it’s never too late to start over absolutely.

Leo: Well, as a man I identified with it especially you speaking about begin sheltered and not knowing the world begin raised in a very religious  home.

La Toya: Exactly, I was so sheltered growing up and the person who took advantage of me saw that and used it because I was so sheltered.

Leo: You not knowing the world, made you a target.

La Toya: Right

Leo: You mention your faith a lot in the book, how has you’re faith helped you during that time and the past two years?

La Toya:, I do believe that you have to have some connection with god and some faith. a lot of people still ask if I’m a Jehovah’s Witness and I tell people I do go to the kingdom hall ever so often. I consider myself a spiritual person, I believe in god but I don’t believe you have to follow it by the book.  I don’t believe in organized religions, As I feel a lot religions are man made.

Leo: June 25th as you know was a couple of days ago and I wanted to ask you, how did you celebrate Michaels Life and Legacy?

La Toya: Well, my mother and I just watched movies of him and set around talked about his life.We each celebrated his life in our own way.

Leo: Let’s talk about you’re new song ‘Startin Over’ I love it, it’s such an upbeat and peppy song. What was you’re motivation for writing it?

La Toya: Well, my motivation for writing the song was just me  begin honest about the things that are going on in my life. I try to be as open and honest as possible in my music. I've been writing these songs since 2001. Other songs like ‘Should’ve Left You but I had no chance five foot one you were the size of my pants and you controlled me with my own finance'. That song was based on what I was going through at time and 'Starting Over 'is about me just living my life.

Leo: It’s a great song.

La Toya: Thank You.

La Toya: I wanted to show people that you can start over, but I also want people to know that starting over is never easy

Leo: You show that a lot in this book, as I was reading it, It was like ‘she keeps falling down but still keeps getting back up’

La Toya: It can be done, anyone can start anew and of course it’s not easy but I’m here to help. If you or anyone you know needs some encouragement message me on twitter. You can always start over.

Leo: Ms. Jackson,I know we have very little time, but thank you for taking the time to do this with me. I’m honored to speak with you.

La Toya: It was my pleasure and thank you for having me. Be well.

Leo: You Too

Leo: Goodbye

La Toya: Bye, Bye


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