Upcoming Events

 Upcoming Events with Leo Brown and Jackie Tomlin 

On the Psychic Front:

Psychic Leo Brown from Illinois and I will be teaming up for a few days in the month of November.  Though our schedule is tight due to upcoming radio appearances and a couple of interviews, we are running a Psychic Development Workshop and Live Readings in this area (Chesterfield, Virginia) for a couple of days only.  The dates are Friday November 5th, and Saturday November 6th, and then we head to Charlotte NC for live readings and appearances on Monday November 8th.   You will also find Leo’s bio at the bottom of the page.  Any questions that you have you may contact me by email.
(To schedule an event, please contact me directly through one of the websites and NOT ON FACEBOOK.)

Psychic Development & Psychic Readings

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP - Friday November 5th from 7:00PM to 9:00PM
SEATING IS LIMITED!  Spend the evening with two well-known psychics! This is a 2-hour workshop with Jackie and Leo on psychic development.  Topics will cover tools that a psychic may use, how you may get started, the varying gifts, and dream interpretation.  This will also include a personalized psychic assessment with tips on what you can do to develop your own abilities.  Snacks and beverages will be provided.  Cost is $75.00 per person.

LIVE PSYCHIC READINGS – Saturday November 6th Beginning at 8:00AM
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! This is for a full one-hour reading with Jackie and Leo.  Due to scheduling we ask that you please plan to arrive on time.  This is a wonderful opportunity to see first hand how psychics read differently and what each one may see and pick up on you.  This is being offered for ONE DAY ONLY in this area.  Cost is $150.00 per person.

$25.00 DISCOUNT for those that plan to attend both.
Visit http://www.ms-swami.com/ under the “EVENTS” section to prepay and reserve your spot now, as they are filling up quick!

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA – Sunday November 7th from 10:00PM to 2:00AM
LIVE READINGS with Jackie and Leo.  PreVue Rhythm Lounge, 2909 North Davidson Street, Charlotte NC 28205.  Live Radio at 12:00PM Noon in the Charlotte area.  (More details coming soon!)

On the Paranormal Front:
CVAPI (Central Virginia Paranormal Investigations).  Radio appearances and lecture and presentation on Ghost Hunting.

     LIVE RADIO – Friday October 15th at 8:00PM Eastern   “Living in a Paranormal World” with Psychic Leo Brown.  Call in’s welcome.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/psychicleobrown23
     GHOST HUNTING 101 WITH CVAPI – Tuesday October 19th 6:30PM to 8:30PM Grissom Library, 366 DeShazor Drive, Newport News, VA 23608
     LIVE RADIO – Saturday November 20th at 8:00PM Eastern  “The Paranormal View” with Beth & Henry.  CBS Radio
 Para Xhttp://www.para-x.com/view.html

Leo Brown's Bio:
Leo Brown has always been a talker. Ever since he was a boy growing up in the Deep South. "I would always run my mouth and tell people what I thought," he says. Though, some loved the fact that he was so open with his thoughts, some people found him to be a bit of a loudmouth. "As I was growing up, I was thinking of ways to use this mouth I had. I tried everything from customer service rep to selling medical insurance via phone. Nothing worked because I'd end up giving advice and telling people what was coming up for them," he says with a laugh. When asked if he always knew that he was psychic, his reply is simple. "Yes, but back where I come from, people I knew didn't say I was psychic they just told me that I knew things others didn't." Sitting in a comfy brown regal-looking chair but dressed in just a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt, Leo seems comfortable and at peace. Ever the open book, he goes on to say how his psychic skills began to take shape. "It started with dreams and just what you would call hunches at first, but as I got older especially around eighteen, it really grew, I had friends that would ask me about their love life, jobs, basic life questions even pets and soon my name started to grow but I never thought of it as a job, I was just helping people see things clearer." How Leo got into the business as a professional psychic is another story. "Actually, my best friend from high school suggested that I should seriously think about it as a career. My first thought was, No! I can't do that," he says laughing loudly. Fast-forward to today and Leo Brown not only loves what he does but also has a strong passion for it. "I'm very, very happy and glad I took my best friend's advice." he says as his smile radiates the room we're sitting in. "I've been in this business for six years and I feel that when you pick up that phone to speak with me, you’re speaking with a friend, who truly wants to help you and empower your life." "The key is though," he continues to say with a serious look on his face, "you have to be ready for the truth, because this is your life and your reading. I can be your friend only if you allow me to be."


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