Embracing Your Inner Whore!
Hey Readers,
I know the title of this post may sound a bit odd but think about this for a minute. When you think of a whore, what comes to mind? I know that most of you think of a person who sells their body for money.
That is true but look at it another way. In some way, we're all whores. Now, what I mean by that is. Have you ever done something to get something in return for it?
Of course you have. Say for instance, you’re involved with someone who, even though you don’t click with them very well has a lot of status. (Pick whatever status you can think of) and the main reason your with this person is because of what they have to offer.
You are therefore a whore. Because you are using that person’s status as your stepping stone to help you to gain, whatever it is you want. Come on, we’ve all whored ourselves for something. Think about it. A job, love, money etc. There’s nothing wrong with whoring as long you pick and choose what kind of whore to embrace and what thing to whore yourself out for. First, let me point out the types of whores you’ve got to choose from.
Whore 1: The Upgrade Whore aka Ms./Mr.Business: Now this whore is always on the come up. This type is always looking for the next big thing. To me, this is the best whore to be because not only does this person want the best but they believe that they deserve the best in life period.
Whore 2: The Hustler Whore: When it comes to this type of whore I'm caught in the middle. Because of I can see both sides of it's coin. The reason is because, this whore is the classic con-artist type. Which can be both good and bad depending on how you work with this whore. If you apply charm, wit and style to this part of yourself, you’ll be fine. Now if you are always on the con, then I caution you to look at yourself a bit more and put that part of the hustler away.
Whore 3: The Side-line/Mistress Whore: This type of whore comes in many looks, styles, sizes and colors. The one thing about this whore I do not like is that they will do anything and I mean anything to get what they want. Even trap themselves in really, really dumb situations. All I have to say on this one is if you are okay with begin a side-line or mistress great, if not deal with it and get real about it fast.
Now that you know what types of whores they're are. I want to tell about some things you can/should whore yourself out for. Now as you are whoring remember this, you call the shots not anyone else.
Money/ Job Security. That’s right, if you know that you are damn good at you do. Whore yourself out. When I say that, I mean make it known that you are deserving of the good things that should come to you via finance. If the powers that be don’t see that then take a cue from the hustla whore and make your own come up.
Love/Relationships: When it comes to this one take cues from hustla whore and even mistress whore if you’re just wanting a drive-by or some fun but even as you do that,make it known to the person/persons you are with.
If you are looking for a stable relationship then take a cue from the business whore and no longer accept the ‘okay’ you deserve the best and should be treated like royalty. Your worth it. This may take a lot of trials and errors but it’s worth it trust me. Also, having a healthy outlook about yourself doesn’t hurt.
Remember, whores can be both male and female and there’s nothing wrong with begin a whore as long as you are a whore of who has class, style and respect.
Live in Balance, Leo Brown
I know the title of this post may sound a bit odd but think about this for a minute. When you think of a whore, what comes to mind? I know that most of you think of a person who sells their body for money.
That is true but look at it another way. In some way, we're all whores. Now, what I mean by that is. Have you ever done something to get something in return for it?
Of course you have. Say for instance, you’re involved with someone who, even though you don’t click with them very well has a lot of status. (Pick whatever status you can think of) and the main reason your with this person is because of what they have to offer.
You are therefore a whore. Because you are using that person’s status as your stepping stone to help you to gain, whatever it is you want. Come on, we’ve all whored ourselves for something. Think about it. A job, love, money etc. There’s nothing wrong with whoring as long you pick and choose what kind of whore to embrace and what thing to whore yourself out for. First, let me point out the types of whores you’ve got to choose from.
Whore 1: The Upgrade Whore aka Ms./Mr.Business: Now this whore is always on the come up. This type is always looking for the next big thing. To me, this is the best whore to be because not only does this person want the best but they believe that they deserve the best in life period.
Whore 2: The Hustler Whore: When it comes to this type of whore I'm caught in the middle. Because of I can see both sides of it's coin. The reason is because, this whore is the classic con-artist type. Which can be both good and bad depending on how you work with this whore. If you apply charm, wit and style to this part of yourself, you’ll be fine. Now if you are always on the con, then I caution you to look at yourself a bit more and put that part of the hustler away.
Whore 3: The Side-line/Mistress Whore: This type of whore comes in many looks, styles, sizes and colors. The one thing about this whore I do not like is that they will do anything and I mean anything to get what they want. Even trap themselves in really, really dumb situations. All I have to say on this one is if you are okay with begin a side-line or mistress great, if not deal with it and get real about it fast.
Now that you know what types of whores they're are. I want to tell about some things you can/should whore yourself out for. Now as you are whoring remember this, you call the shots not anyone else.
Money/ Job Security. That’s right, if you know that you are damn good at you do. Whore yourself out. When I say that, I mean make it known that you are deserving of the good things that should come to you via finance. If the powers that be don’t see that then take a cue from the hustla whore and make your own come up.
Love/Relationships: When it comes to this one take cues from hustla whore and even mistress whore if you’re just wanting a drive-by or some fun but even as you do that,make it known to the person/persons you are with.
If you are looking for a stable relationship then take a cue from the business whore and no longer accept the ‘okay’ you deserve the best and should be treated like royalty. Your worth it. This may take a lot of trials and errors but it’s worth it trust me. Also, having a healthy outlook about yourself doesn’t hurt.
Remember, whores can be both male and female and there’s nothing wrong with begin a whore as long as you are a whore of who has class, style and respect.
Live in Balance, Leo Brown
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